Alola vacation

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Rio woke up and had his arm around Lop he stood up and walked out of Lop's room and saw another door that led to her backyard the sun was still rising and Rio sat down on the grass just looking at the sunrise and was in his thoughts until he felt two arms wrap around him which made him jump and he turned around and saw that it was Lop and she just giggled and sat down with him.

Lop: Scare you

Rio: No, you just surprised me

Lop: What are you doing out here

Rio: Just watching the sunrise

Lop: The sunrise is beautiful

Rio: Not as beautiful as you are

When Rio said that they both looked at each other and Lop just giggled and started to blush and then Rio started to giggle a bit and a few seconds he feels two arms wrap around him and looked down to see Lop nuzzling him which caused him to blush and then Lop looked up at him and RIo looked at Lop and they got closer and closer practically touching noses and they locked lips...

Ryu pov

Ryu woke up and looked over next to him to see that Dawn was still sleeping so he got up and left her room and he went on the couch and turned on the tv.

Ryu: I'm bored

Random commercial: are you bored?

Ryu: huh.....yes?

Rc: Do you and your friends have nothing to do?

Ryu: Yes,

Rc: If you said yes, why not come on down to the alola region

Ryu: The alola region I've heard of it before

Rc: Down here in the alola region, we are mostly known for having better beaches than any other region

Ryu: Interesting

Rc: We also sometimes have battle tournaments here in the Alola region where anyone can participate and watch.

Ryu: hm I think we are going to the alola region today

Ryu stood back up and went to Zorro's room and saw that he was still sleeping, so he walked up to him and started to tap him. After a few seconds he woke up.

Zorro: Huh- oh hi Ryu

Ryu: Hi Zorro, we're going to alola region

Zorro: We are?

Ryu: Yeah saw a commercial about it, so why not go there unless you don't want to come

Zorro: Oh I do

Ryu: Alright, so I'm going to wake the others up

Zorro: Alright,

Ryu left Zorro's room, and he went back to Dawn's and went up to her and started tapping her until she woke up when she finally did. Ryu told her everything he told Zorro, and she looked excited to go to the Alola region.

Dawn: So did you tell Ryu and Lop

Ryu: Nope, those are the last people I need to tell

Dawn: Alright, let me come with you

Ryu: Ok,

Ryu left Dawns room and Dawn followed they both went to where Ryus and Lops room was at but when the opened the door but they didn't see them they started to look until Dawn that the door that led to the backyard and she told Ryu so they both opened the door and saw Rio and Lop both sitting down on the grass and Lop had her head on Rio's shoulder which caused Dawn and Ryu to both giggle.

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