The Meet Up

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Rio woke up and realized that Lop was still sleeping so he started nudging her and after a minute of doing so, Lop started to wake up.

Lop: Morning Rio

Rio: Morning Lop, are you ready

Lop: Ready for what?

Rio: Remember we're going to meet Ryu, Dawn and Zorro at the cafe so we can tell them about our relationship

Lop: Oh yeah, I remember I wonder how they will react

Rio: They probably won't believe it

Lop: Yeah,

They both got out of bed and started to get ready and when they finished, they went out the door and started to head to the cafe.

Ryu got out of bed and didn't see Dawn, so he went out of Dawn's bedroom and saw her

As she was sitting down on her couch.

Ryu: Hey Dawn

Dawn: Hey Ryu, we need to start going soon

Ryu: I know let me call Zorro so we can meet with him before we get to you the cafe

Dawn: Alright, I'll just wait outside

Ryu: Ok,

Zorro just got outside and started going to the cafe until he heard his phone ring and it was Ryu

Zorro: Hey Ryu,

Ryu: Hey Zorro, can you meet me and Dawn at Celebi park before you get to the cafe so we can all go in together

Zorro: Celebi park Actually I'm pretty close to it

Ryu: Prefect, see you there-

Ryu hung up and went outside and saw Dawn and went up to her

Ryu: Dawn we are going to celebi park to meet Zorro

Dawn: Alright, let's go

Ryu and Dawn were heading to celebi but Lop and Rio were already at the cafe and they sat down.

Rio: Looks like we were here first

Lop: Yeah, so what can we do

Rio: We haven't ate anything today so how about we get something to eat

Lop: Yeah, but what do they have here

Rio: There's a menu right next to us but this place is famous for their pancakes, so how about we get some of those

Lop: Sure, let's get some

Rio walked up to the counter and was met with alolan raichu

Raichu: Hey what would you like today

Rio: Me and girlfriend would like some pancakes

Raichu: How many would you guys like each

Rio: We would like 3 each

Raichu: Alright, coming right up

Rio: Ok,

Lop: So you ordered the pancakes

Rio: Yep, they're coming soon

Lop: Alright,

*5 minutes later*

An alolan raichu walked up to Lop and Rio's table and gave them their plates and then went back to the counter.

*15 minutes later*

Rio and Lop both finished their pancakes and then they heard the door open and saw Ryu, Dawn and Zorro all walk in and they spotted them and walked up to the table and Dawn and Ryu sat across from them while Zorro sat on the side of the table.

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