End Of a Rivalry

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Ryu woke up, but he felt something laying on top of him. It was Dawn he started to blush but then Dawn woke up and she immediately saw that she was lying on top of Ryu and she started to blush also and she immediately got off.

Dawn: *Blushing* Oh I'm sorry

Ryu: it's alright how about we just forget about it

Dawn: Alright, so how about we head to the cafe before your brother gets there

Ryu: Alright let's go

Dawn: Ok

Ryu and Dawn both left and started to go where the cafe is and they made it inside and both ordered a bagel and sat down.

Dawn: So remember the plan

Ryu: Yep,

Dawn: So after school tell your brother you're going to visit a friend and come to my house and we are going to make a paper telling them to go to celebi park and meet at the bench we sat on yesterday and you will go to your house and slide it under the door and I will do the same thing for Lop and we will go to the park also but try not get caught by them and we will listen to what they are saying and hope they confess their feelings

Ryu: Sounds like a plan

Ryu started to hear a ring coming from his phone and it was Rio, so he answered.

Ryu: Hello

Rio: Yeah Ryu, me and Zorro are coming to the cafe so started heading there and we will meet up

Ryu: Alright, got it bye-

Dawn: Let me guess, they are coming

Ryu: mhm

Dawn: Welp I guess it's time for me to leave

Ryu: Yep,

Ryu and Dawn both walked out of the cafe and Dawn started to walk away, but then she started to run back to where Ryu was and then she just kissed him and started to smirk.

Dawn: See you later Ryu remember the plan

Dawn started to run away and Ryu just stood there, blushing.

Ryu: What just happened?

Rio: Hey Ryu!

Ryu turned around to see Rio and Zorro

Ryu: Hey guys are you ready for Christmas break

Rio: Yeah, we finally get a break from school

Zorro: Yeah, it will be fun we can finally have a break from school

Ryu: Well, school is opened so let's go and wait for school to be over

They all walked into school and went to their class

*A few hours later*

The bell rang, and it was the last period of class, which was gym

Mars: So welcome to the last day of school till Christmas break so you know what we are going to do so I will choose two pokemon to come and battle it out and that will be the only match and then you are dismissed so now Zorro and Blade to the battlefield

Zorro and Blade were on the battlefield and Zorro looked at his opponent which was a leavanny and they both got ready to battle and then they heard a whistle blow which meant the battle started and Blade started to rush Zorro and use leaf blade which he got a direct hit on Zorro but Zorro didn't move at all and Zorro used Flamethrower on Blade and it was a direct hit and sent Blade across the field and he tried to get back up but when he did, he wobbled so Mars stepped in.

Rivals at first lovers at last (Lucario x Lopunny)Where stories live. Discover now