My bad lol

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September 20 2021 at 10:39 pm was the last time I updated this book now it is March 16 2022 3; 33 am when I am writing this and what can I say it's been so long since I've updated this book and there is really no excuses why I haven't I just didn't feel like it, I didn't feel like updating any of my stories or making any stories and it's funny because I have one chapter ready; I think about 2-3 thousands words that I made before this long ass break and during that break I had two story ideas which I already got the title the cover and for one of them one half of the first chapter done I think??? So there's really nothing else to talk about besides this fucking took me 2 days to finish since now it is March 18 2022 3:23 am. One last thing is thank you for 500 reads I will try to update this book someday maybe this week???

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