Chapter 6

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Lexy's POV

As he parked in front of my house, I told him what a fun time I had and how I hoped to see him again soon.

"Don't worry Lex you'll see me once you finish getting ready. I don't want you to feel rushed but I made the reservation for 7:30 so you have around 45 minutes but don't stress if you end up needing more time."

"But I loved our new spot, you don't have to make anything up to me,"

"That's true, but I still wanted to take you somewhere special tonight. I hope you'll have me,"

"Yes but if I only have 45 minutes that means I need to start getting ready like now!"

"Perfect. Also do you think I could come inside and use your bathroom? I have some getting ready to do myself,"

"Yes of course, come in with me."

We hurried out of the car and Xavier grabbed a bag from his backseat before following me. He must've been planning this for a while. I set him up in the guest bathroom while I went to my room to change and shower. I quickly washed my hair and scrubbed away any dirt before stepping out and blow drying my hair. I went for a 90s blowout kind of look and it wasn't perfect, but I tried my best! After finishing my makeup, I went into my closet to pick an outfit. It was cool outside and I wasn't sure what kind of place we were going to but going off of the polo I saw in Xavier's bag, it's not a fast food restaurant. I decided to wear a brown mini dress with gold hoops and gold heels. After clipping my front hair pieces to the back of my head, I went downstairs. At the top of the stairs, I looked below to see Xavier standing in a white polo with dark blue jeans on.

"You look stunning. Are you ready to go?" he asked me.

"Yeah let's go. Did I take too long? What time is it now?"

After getting into the passenger seat, I looked at the car clock and saw that it was 7:20. That's not too bad. He started the car almost immediately and began driving down the main roads.

"Ok we might be a little late but I'll try my best to get us there quickly. I'm sure they'll hold our reservation though, my parents are regulars. We're going to Medium Rare by the way, sorry that I forgot to mention it. I'm not sure if you've heard of it but you're dressed perfectly."

"Thank you! I tried my best to pick out an outfit that's the girl equivalent to a polo, since I saw yours in the bag. I've never gone but I'm really excited to go with you! I hope I didn't make us too late."

"Don't worry about it Lex. It's in the next town over though, so we still have around 30 minutes left in the ride. Serious question though,"

"What's up?" I tried to ask calmly though I could feel my hands getting clammy.

"Okay answer honestly. Do you like to ski?"

"Oh my gosh don't ever scare me like that again! And to answer your question I've never really skied before but it looks like it could be fun. I've always been more of a gymnastics girl myself."

"Wait tell me more."

"I started gymnastics when I was 5 and I've done it ever since. Well, not here. But that's besides the point. I fell in love with the sport, especially tumbling. Bars are definitely my favorite event though. Even though my parents are always away, if I had a really big meet, one of my parents would always try to fly out to watch me. I finally got my full about a year ago actually. Even though I've never been the best, it's always brought me so much joy."

"I would love to watch you tumble someday. Or go on the bars, but I'm not sure what that would even look like. Why can't you do gymnastics here?"

"There's no tumbling gym anywhere nearby and the closest gymnastics team is in Portland. That's one of the main reasons I dreaded coming here so much but it's turned out a lot better than I thought."

"Okay well that last part at least is good. But you not tumbling because you moved to Brownsville just won't work. I don't want you to lose something that you love,"

"I appreciate that, but I don't see how I could ever start again unless I build a tumbling gym here."

"Don't look too somber, we've arrived."

As we stepped out of the car, Xavier handed the keys to the valet and we walked inside the restaurant. Luckily, the host had saved our table so we wouldn't have to wait. I ordered a Shirley Temple to start and Xavier opted for sparkling water.

"You never explained why you were interested in knowing if I skied," I started.

"Oh yeah sorry. I was just wondering because I love to ski and if you did too then maybe one day we could go together."

"Do you do every sport ever? This combined with surfing and who even knows what else," I laughed "But seriously maybe you could teach me and we could go. It's not that I don't like skiing I've just never really done it."

"That's true and I would probably have a lot of fun on a ski trip with you. And maybe next you can teach me how to tumble,"

"Ok but first you have to let me meet your dogs!! You haven't even told me what kind of dogs they are yet!"

"That's my bad. First we have Luna, she's a German shepherd. Such a good girl I love her to pieces. Then we have Rocko and he's a bulldog. Really derpy though and kind of a klutz."

"That's so sweet. Do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah actually but just one. I have a younger brother named Dylan and he's in 5th grade."

"Aw so just a baby still! It's like a full house over at the- wait what's your last name?"


"A full house over at the Price household!"

"It'll be even fuller if you come over," he smiled.

"Not too full, right?" I asked.

"Definitely not," he reassured me.

As he finished his sentence the waitress came over and set down our plates. We finished our dinner and our conversation before leaving the restaurant and walking to the valet stand. We waited outside for a few minutes as the valet left to grab the car.

"Thanks for coming out with me tonight Lexy. I had a really great time with you this whole day."

"I'm so glad I came out with you today. And I'm also very happy you decided to talk to me yesterday."

The valet pulled around in the car so we got in and drove back to my house where he dropped me off and kissed me goodbye before leaving. While getting ready for bed, I started thinking about my situation. I had two guys interested in me and did I really like two guys at the same time? This isn't at all what I expected when I moved here. I needed some serious help if I was gonna figure out this whole situation; it's not like I can have two boyfriends! Jackson is gonna have to come over tomorrow to help me figure this mess out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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