𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥~𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚 x 𝔻𝕠𝕔𝕥𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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Medical terms dictionary /Key
(⛔️REMINDER⛔️ THIS IS NOT TO INSULT ANYONE! It's just to give you brief information of what the doctors are saying so that you can hopefully enjoy your experience a bit more since you'll understand what they're talking about.)

Pulmonary embolism: when a blood vessel in your lungs is blocked by a blood clot

Residency: Residency or postgraduate training is specifically a stage of graduate medical education. It refers to a qualified physician who practices medicine, usually in a hospital or clinic, under the direct or indirect supervision of a senior medical clinician registered in that specialty such as an attending physician or consultant.

Laceration: A deep cut or tear in skin/flesh

GCS/Glasgow Coma Scale: A clinical scale used to reliably measure a person's level of consciousness after a brain injury. The GCS assesses a person based on their ability to perform eye movements, speak, and move their body. These three behaviors make up the three elements of the scale: eye, verbal, and motor. A person's GCS score can range from 3 to 15.

FAST scan/(Focused Assessment with Sonography For Trauma): A rapid ultrasound examination that screens for blood around the abdominal organs after trauma.

Head C.T: X-ray of the overall condition of the skull, brain, sinuses and blood vessels to the brain. Used to check if there are any abnormalities in the brain or skull.

CAT scan :A CT scan or computed tomography scan is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to get detailed images of the body noninvasively for diagnostic purposes.
It was a normal day at L.A medical centre's Emergency Department a few gunshot victims, a pulmonary embolism and a case of carbon monoxide poisoning. Nothing new for Doctor Y/n L/n they had just completed their residency and was now an official member of the Los Angeles E.D.

(First Person p.o.v)
I had just gotten off my break, I walked to the command centre to check if anything new had come up to do with one of my patients, but nothing serious thankfully. I was checking over some X-rays I had just received from Doctor, Foster who was asking for a second opinion when suddenly, I heard another nurse talking about me.

"So young they're practically not made to be here. I feel bad for their S/O *whispers* if they even have one..." That's what Rose one of the most infuriating nurses ever said.

Then Gina the charge nurse stood up for me and scolded her saying, "Rose their personal dating life is none of your business and it's not like you have anything going on for you either now, if you don't have anything nice to say go check up on Dr.Forest's patient in treatment 2."

I was about to go over and thank Gina when a new patient rushed in, the paramedics gave me a brief summary of what we knew about the patient ,"Patient's name Shashi Dhar, 24 year old, male, multiple lacerations on his back, a minor laceration to the skull, open bone fracture to the left leg, a possible fractured vertebrae, received an oxygen mask in the field and has a GCS of about 5."I heard a partial groan from the patient indicating he was conscious.

Gina directed the paramedics to a treatment room and called, "L/n and Holly to treatment 5"

I dashed into the treatment room, slinging my stethoscope off from around my neck, multiple nurses were already surrounding him when I walked in I felt his gaze immediately land on my figure I snapped out my thoughts and shouted, "Ok lift on my count, One, Two, Three." A loud thump was heard as he hit the bed, I used a FAST scan to see if there was any blood bleeding into the stomach, unfortunately there was.

I then shouted, "Gina notify the O.R we're on our way up.This guy's gonna die if we don't operate now."

"Yes Doctor."

(Whilst Shashi was in the O.R)
I walked over to the command centre and walked over to Holly another nurse here in the E.D who was the main nurse on Shashi's case,
"Any news on the patient that rolled in?"

She only looked at me and replied, "No, sorry he's still in the O.R."

I sighed and straightened my doctor's coat "Alright...when he gets out of surgery notify me and also get a Head C.T and a CAT scan ready."

Holly nodded her head, "Got it."

(2 hours later)
I walked in an I saw Shashi Dhar sitting there solemnly looking out his hospital room window.I knocked on the door and he immediately craned his neck to face me.I walked in and shook his hand. I realised he'd been taken off the ventilator I was a bit puzzled as to why, but I walked over and talked to him anyways.

"Nice to meet you Mr,Dhar—"

"Please just call me Shashi."

"Oh, okay.... Shashi I just got the results from your recent scans. You haven't got any serious brain trauma or anything similar to that, but you have 2 fractured vertebrae, a sprained wrist and an open bone fracture in your left leg. You'll need metal plates inserted into your left leg but everything else should heal gradually. If you have any questions I'm happy to answer them now."

He looked away from a second then he closed his eyes before facing me then he in a mere whisper he said,
"Am I weak..."

I look at him puzzled, "Um... Shashi I didn't catch that could you repeat it for me please..." I etched closer to his hospital bed and waited for him to speak.

He looked at me and said with a straight face, "Am I weak..." tears started brimming in his eyes "I couldn't protect myself or THEM! That was my number one job AND I FAILED!!"He started getting aggravated he harshly scratched his wrist and almost pulled his I.V line out. I put my hand on his wrist which seemed to partially calm him down.

"Hey...hey take it easy. I don't know who you're talking about or what happened to whoever your taking about. But, one partial incident doesn't make you weak." Suddenly, I hear a ding from my pager, I look down and I'm notified to go to treatment 6." I have to go, I need see another patient" I stood up from his hospital bed when I feel strong arms wrap around my waist, I turn my head around Shashi was hugging my waist

"Don't-don't leave me please..."He said through continuous voice cracks.I looked at him and stroked his head which made him let go.

"Look Shashi I have to do my rounds and I'll return back to you in around 1 hour okay..."

He nods his head, relaxes into his pillow and replies with a devilish smirk, "I'll be waiting..." he lays down and turns over onto his side facing away from the door in a foetal position. I leave the room silently and run to treatment 6.

To be continued (If you want a part 2 that is.)

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