Chapter 15: Comfort

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3rd Person's P.O.V.

After detouring to Master Fu's place, explaining what had happened, and picking up Plagg, Marinette and Adrien now sat together in Marinette's Room. Tikki and Plagg were hidden in the corner, giving the pair the privacy for the heart-to-heart talk they were now having.




"I'm sorry!" Both heroes burst out at the same time.

"You're sorry?" Exclaimed Adrien with surprise, "why on Earth are you sorry?" He lowered his voice, which became strained with sadness, "you're not the one who became akumatized. You're not the one who hurt people. You're not the person who messed everything up!"

He angrily sobbed the last words. But his anger was not directed towards Marinette. No, it was directed towards him, directed inward alongside the immense guilt of his choice.

Marinette gently wiped away his tears, her own eyes moist,
"Oh my kitty. It's okay. I'm here. You don't have to face this alone."

Silence resided for a few moments as she softly stroked the broken-hearted boy's hair.

Having gathered her thoughts, Marinette continued,
"I'm sorry because I should have been there for you. I should have realised how much you were struggling. I should have focused on you. I shouldn't have put my job above your heart. Most of all though. I should have told you about Cat Blanc, but-" her voice cracked, and she swallowed, "but I was scared to. And the more I put it off the more I dreaded telling you." She paused and gazed into Adrien's gorgeous green eyes, "I'm sorry."

The boy gazed forlornly at her, the pain in his eyes shining through his tears,
"It's okay." Then, he lowered his voice to a whisper,
"I-I'm scared Marinette. What if I'm just like my Father? What if..." his face grew troubled, then he blurted out, "what if I'm destined to become a villain just like him?!"

Marinette breathed out,
"Oh Adrien..." and cupped her hand around his tear-streaked face.

Adrien's strangled sobs began once more, the only sound to be heard as the pair sat together for several moments. Plagg and Tikki anxiously watched from afar, unsure if their help was needed, but Marinette subtly shook her head.

Both froze as footstep were heard underfoot, moving close to the bottom of the ladder.
"Is everything okay darling?" Sabine called out, her voice floating through the trapdoor.

"Er... yea. Everything's fine. We're just..." Marinette glanced desperately at Adrien for some help, but he just looked lost, "...practising some lines for one of Alya's videos?" She squeaked.

A disbelieving pause. Then Sabine hesitantly said,
"Okay. If you're sure... let me know if you need anything."

"Yup. Will do!" Marinette called out, a little too cheerfully.
The two held their breath, then gave a sigh of relief as, after a moment, they heard Sabine's footsteps fading.

Marinette turned to Adrien, whose sobs had softened,
"It's okay. Trust me. You are the kindest, sweetest, most caring person I've ever met. No, you are not your Father, and you never will be. I believe in you, and I know that your heart is pure and good. You'll always be my brave, super, Chat Noir."

His eyes turned to her, his voice not unlike that of a child desperate for reassurance,
"Really and truly?"

The bluenette nodded,
"Yes. Really and truly." Then she drew him into a hug once more,
"I will always love you Adrien. No matter what."

"I love you too Marinette."

(Hey my Miraculous wolf pups! Sorry for the short chapter, I've been quite busy recently, and I'm struggling to come up with what shoule happen next. I hope you are all staying safe during these difficult times. Stay awesome!)

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