Chapter 1

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Hey y'all, it's me your author. There weren't enough striker x readers for me sooo here ya go, enjoy!

You had recently been hired to help around the barn. It was pretty easy money, and honestly you just wanted to get away from all your personal problems.

You see, your husband (soon to be ex husband) had run off with your sister, Veronica. In fact— you almost killed the two after you caught them fucking in YOUR bed! Somehow they managed to escape and run off somewhere. And with them they took all your furniture, personal belongings, and every damn thing that wasn't attached to the ground or mounted to the wall. They even took your cat, and it cost you a pretty penny to get the bastard back. So, when you told your friend Millie, she suggested that you moved in with her family until you got back on your feet.

But enough thinking about the past, you could forget about men for the time being. Who the hell needs em anyway?

Well, that sentiment was short lived as it seemed to slip your mind whenever you talked to the new farmhand, Striker. He was handsome, charming, funny, and on the taller side (not to say you didn't like shorter Imps, you just found it unique).

The first day he was hired was a surprisingly fun day.

"Hey y/n! Come over here real quick!" Joe shouted to you from across the small rose garden. You took the gloves off and rinsed the remaining dirt from your hands, running over and seeing Joe and another man you didn't recognize.

"Y/n, I want you to meet Striker. He's our new farm hand, I figured you would want to get him aquatinted with a few things." He said, patting Striker on the shoulder.

You held your hand out, smiling "Nice to meet ya!" you said. He looked a bit thrown off by your accent.

"Huh, greed ring. Right?" The shock left his eyes quickly, he held a warm smile on his face as he shook your hand. You felt your heart beat hard against your chest.

"Yeah— it was my accent that gave it away, huh?" You said raising your eyebrow as you broke the handshake and put your hand away in your pocket.

Joe cut in, chuckling at his quick chuckle "Well, I'll let y'all get to it." He said winking at you too. You chuckled at the playful gesture, he reminded you of your dad.

"Nah, I saw a bag earlier with a "made in the greed ring" tag on it. But the accent wasn't helping your case either, darlin'." He explained.

You chuckled a bit, "Yeah, there weren't many Imps born there so people are usually surprised I guess..." you said walking back towards the garden.

"If you'd like you can help me with these roses? Tomorrow I gotta go out ta' town an sell em'." You explained as you got on a pair of gardening gloves. You looked to his outfit, staring him up and down. A white jacket? If was gonna get a stain as soon as he started working.

"Don't ya wanna change, pretty boy?" You said to the man as you used the stem cutters to cut the rose (which screeched in agony as you put it in the wheel barrel).

He looked down at his outfit and then to you, seeing small tears on your flannel and cuts on your arms from the rose thorns.

"Yeah— be right back." He said, rubbing the back of his neck embarrassingly before running into the house, you shook your head and smiled softly before you realized what had just happened.

'What the fuck...did I just— did I just GIGGLE at him?' You thought to yourself, slightly thrown off by your warm behavior.

"Un uh baby that ain't gon work— nooope not today. Satan get di behind—" you were cut off as the voice of the very attractive farmhand cut in.

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