Chapter 11

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hopefully no one saw that (°°) welp, anyways back to the story

You woke up in Striker's room, the scent of sandalwood and rose water was present, and in the background was a radio podcast of some sort.

You looked around, trying to find Striker who should have been in the room. You quickly got out and made the bed (you rarely make your own bed but when it comes to other people's property you preferred to respect it). You saw a pair of crutches and hopped to them, maneuvering yourself so that you could get your arms under them, you grit your teeth the entire time as your feet stung as you moved.

Putting the crutches under your arms, you walked to your room and put a pair of shorts and a loose t-shirt on.

As you were about to return to Striker's room but something caught your attention by your window, a flash of gold. You peaked through and saw Striker by the barn, sitting on a bench. How you would get to him, you had no idea.

The stairs were pretty steep, and you weren't in the best shape to be scaling up and down flights of stairs.

Nevertheless, you used your crutches to make it down the stairs. You had to use your crutches to catch your footing a few times, and you slipped a lot as well, causing you to fall on your ass.

All in all, you probably got a bruise or two added onto your already purple spotted body.

You finally managed to get near the barn, grinning at the man who sat next to your beloved Cat. He had a very sound look on his face, sighing as a strong gust of wind made the already warm day a bit more bearable.

"Bubbi!" You cried out, which caused the cat to open its pretty yellow eyes and jump from the bench by the barn.

He walked over it you and began to rub his all black body against you.

"I see you're up, how'd ya sleep little lady?" He said, smiling a bit at your tired face. You yawned and wiped the sleep from your eyes.

"I'm okay, I barely made it down the stairs though." You commented, sitting down next to him as your cat laid on your lap, purring as you pet him.

"Mmm," he acknowledged you as he held a cigarette in between his lips, taking out a lighter and lighting it.

His hands were shaking as he did so, which made you instantly concerned.

"Shit, Striker! Are you okay?" you said uneasily, staring as he tried to keep his trembling hand steady.

"Yeah, I just ain't smoke inna while. I'll be fine just give me a minute..." he said, taking a drag from his cigarette and blowing the smoke out of his lungs.

"Y'know, my dad used to smoke." You laughed, using a stick to draw pictures into the dirt.

"Hm, did he?" He said, staring out at the field.

"Yeah, but then he met my mom and all of the sudden he didn't need to. One day he smoked, the next day he didn't even want to look at a cigarette. A bit unrelated but, I thought that story was interesting." You shrugged, drawing a ":)" face in the dirt.

"Yeah, if only things were that easy." He said offhandedly, thinking about the mixed emotions he felt towards you. About how he liked— almost loved to be around you. And because of that he wanted to distance himself.

You grabbed his hand, squeezing it lightly as he went to take his hand away, and from there he just let you hold his hand.

He tried to act casually but your touch was like electricity. It lit him up with energy and made him feel like he was burning inside.

Malicious Tango - Yandere Striker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now