Chapter 12

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Alr, this has a wee bit of NSFW so :)) stay safe out there kids. Also sorry I've been gone— college application stuff is hard lmao.

"Ahhh, the bath." (Gorillaz reference — pfft)

You cut off the faucet and set yourself into the bath, which fizzed as a citrusy cinnamon smell wafted into the air. To most it would seem scorching but once you submerged your body and surrendered yourself to the warm water you could feel yourself finally relax.

You sighed at the comforting sensation, enjoying the darkness as the only thing lighting up the bathroom was the warm candlelight around you that cast an orange glow.

As you enjoyed your bath, you couldn't help but start to feel uncomfortable— both because of the water which was getting colder and the feeling that you were being watched. You opened your closed eyes to look around the room, seeing nothing alarming. Right as you went to close your eyes again you caught a yellow flash in the vents. Your blood froze in your veins as you blinked again quickly, and the light was gone.

"Am I seeing things?" You mumbled to yourself, before getting out of the tub. The water was cold now anyway, and you got all the relaxation you needed. You bent over and drained the tub, watching as the water circled and whirled down the drain.

As you dried off you felt yourself being watched again, which made you dry off faster in frustration, shivering as the cold air made your hairs rise..

You redressed your wounds which didn't hurt as much, put your pajamas on and washed your face, brushed your teeth, AND flossed (because your dentist always says you don't floss enough even though you floss every goddamn time).

You stepped out the bathroom, giving the room one last glance before closing it and heading to your bed.

You decided to moisturize in your bedroom to avoid feeling uneasy. You heard scratching and saw Beelzebubbi scrape at the closet door.

You opened the door and let the cat in, who only went in there to sniff around and paw at the bottom of your dresses. You rolled your eyes and set the cat outside the closet, completely oblivious to the fact that there were specks of dust from the moved crawl space on the floor. Proof someone had invaded your privacy.

Time Skip/Rewind Time brought to you by a shitty YouTube marketing campaign

Striker sat in his room in disbelief, his heart beating so hard and fast it felt like it was humming engine in his chest. His stomach flipped and stirred in his abdomen with disgust at his actions.

While in your room he tried his hardest not to cross anymore lines. He refused to smell your clothes, take your underwear, he just didn't want to invade your privacy any further. He respected you!

But, everyone has weaknesses. And you were his weakness, his Achilles heel.

As he peeked through the vent his breath froze and immediately jolted back and turned away. His mouth pressed into a thin line as he didn't know what to do...

His mind went immediately back to your nude body. Oh, you were gorgeous. Your skin was plush and soft against the warm candle light. Your long eyelashes were hooded as you touched the bath water, testing it to make sure it was perfect for you, and from the touch of your finger the water warped around it— causing a ripple of orange to cascade away from your touch.

It was...hypnotic. Watching as you stepped into the bath tub and submerged your sweet body into the hot water which steamed up the bathroom.

You sighed, leaning back and exposing your breasts that were once covered by the water.

Malicious Tango - Yandere Striker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now