Chapter 9

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Your head whipped around to look at the direction the noise came from, and instantly you were at a loss for words.

"Julius...I—I didn't think you'd," he cut you off, a grin spreading on his face. Tears were already streaming down your face, which was frozen in horror.

"You really think I wouldn't come to see the love of my life preform? Hm, nice to know you think so lowly of me." He hissed, walking closer to you. You backed away closer to the edge of the balcony.

You kept your mouth shut, trying to swallow down the frog that was stuck in your throat.

"Nothing to say to me? Okay." He shrugged, his all black tux reflecting the light of heaven which acted as your faux moon.

"Ya put on quite a show there, angel face." He laughed loudly, making you flinch in response. He saw this.

"Oh come on, you're acting like I hit you..." he said, going to caress your cheek. You quickly slapped his hand away and he only smiled wider at this.

"Always so fiery, it reminds me of why I married you." He chuckled to himself before spotting a poorly lit bar.

He walked over to the bar and began fixing two drinks before he began talking.

"Y/n, every time I leave you I come back. Y'know why?" He asked, pouring some random alcohol into the glass cups.

You shook your head no, and he just sighed and smiled.

"Cause you're special. So sweet, so soft, so caring, yet oh-so dangerous." He continued, taking some fruit juice and pouring it into the two cups.

"I didn't want to believe it but, I had a weakness, and it was you."

"So every night I'd go out and I'd meet these attractive, beautiful women. And they would offer me money, fortune, popularity. Everything I could have ever wanted. And I would sleep with some, yes, but everyday I would come back and go home to you. My precious angel face..." He finished, making eye contact with you from across the balcony.

"And at one point, I grew tired of feeling weak, like I would be nothing without you, and it just so happens that around that time Veronica had broken up with her girlfriend. Then it came to me, that if I were able to be with her and you, than I could decide what made you any different." He stated nonchalantly, taking a sip of the finished drink before pulling away and nodding at the flavor.

"And when I proposed the idea to her, she agreed immediately, which wasn't surprising. She always had something against you." He said, grabbing your drink and walking over to you.

"So we kept the affair on the low for around a year, and though she was far more appetizing then all the other girls, there was always something that was missing." He said, standing in front of you and staring at your look of disgust.

"It didn't come to me until after you left, then I realized, your spirit. You aren't like other demons. So smart, talented, gorgeous, funny, you were like a dream come true. And I suppose that's why I pushed you, because you were too good to be true." He laughed, handing you the drink.

"So, would you like to be mine again?" He suggested, staring into your eyes. His white fringes covering his yellow and black eyes.

He took notice of the way you frowned up your face in disgust, and he smiled crazily.

"Come on babe! It'll be just like old times, only no more girls! Just you and me, I even took care of your sister—" he said before taking his phone out and showing a picture of an Imp with Veronica's haircut and color floating in the river with blood leaking out of them.

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