Chapter 2

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Okay. In here is a reference to a Broadway musical and I hope someone gets it, I think I hid it pretty well. Enjoy! (*^^*) Also, this is a bit of a slow burn :/// like there aren't enough Striker/Helluva Boss episodes so for that reason there will be different arcs and issues coming. Also if there is ever a spelling/grammar issue, just add a comment and I'll fix it :))))

Dinner was nice, you basically shoveled the food into your mouth by habit, and you hadn't noticed everyone staring at you.

"I love having you around, y/n! You always finish your food." She complimented, watching as you finished your food before everyone else.

"I always love your cooking. I know my manners aren't the best but growing up in the greed ring made me...greedy?" You explained.

Joe shook his head, "Nonsense! Don't worry about all that, enjoy your food. We wouldn't have ya any other way." He responded warmly.

"Thanks Mr. Joe." You smiled softly, taking your plate and putting it in the sink.

Striker looked quizzically at Joe's comment, and he quickly gave an answer to fill him in.

"Millie is our other daughter, and she's also Y/n's good friend! They met in Imp City and have been as thick as thieves ever since." He said happily, Lin showed him a picture of Millie and you covered in blood. You had your fingers pointed at a severed head that rested in Millie's hands, and Millie had her signature naturally wide smile on.

"Hm, ya don't say..." he muttered, staring thoughtfully at the photo.

"Yep. We've been best friends for a while now." You exclaimed as you wiped down the counter, ready to clean the kitchen.

"Oh don't worry about that, you've worked enough today as is. Why don't you go to bed, besides you gotta wake up early tomorrow and sell those roses!" She suggested, you yawned at the mention of rest.

"Y'know, I am pretty tired actually. I think I'll be headin' upstairs, g'night y'all! Thanks Mrs. Lin!" You called out.

They all wished you a good night as you walked into the room, where Beelzebubbi had a rat in his mouth.

"Thanks fa' tha gift, Bubbs but..." you grabbed a tissue and picked the dead rat up from the base of its tail before tossing it out the window and into the garbage pail (which was conveniently under your window).

"I'm not inna mood fa' dead animals, I'm tired today..." you said before remembering what Striker's note said.

"Fuck, I forgot ta go see Str—" you heard a knock on your door.

"Speak of tha devil, come in!" you called out.

Striker opened the door and walked in, seeing the cursed cat kneading the covers and you sitting on the bed in your fuzzy bat pajamas.

"Sooo, ya wanted ta see me?" You said, leaning your head against your propped up arm.

He closed the door behind him before talking "Y'know, you kind of surprised me earlier, I didn't know you were so skilled at killing until I saw you kill that hog. I thought y'all city folk was too good for getting down and dirty..." he purred his last words.

You blushed at his words before going to defend yourself "Well, I'm not the strongest but I am pretty agile. I worked in the circus y'know..." you explained, this seemed to catch his attention.
"My sister Veronica and I used to do this double act, and at tha end of our act we'd do at least twenty acrobatic tricks in a row. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! Splits, flips, backflips, spread eagles, flip flops, one right after tha other. It was fun while it lasted..." you laughed, playing with the hem of your sleeve.

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