Ep 6 : Fear Of The Water

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📌 Some brothel in Delhi

"I got us curd today"Lucky confirmed as Naaz walked into the room and flopped on the mattress.

"Naaz?would you say something now?"Lucky asked stuffing the fifty rupee notes he embezzled today under the mattress cover as he flapped the plates,to get rid of the cockroach and flies.

The room have become dirtier,since Aasira left,it's like no matter how hard he tries,he could never clean it,make it smell nice,like she did.

He wiped the plates with his new shirt kicking the cockroaches out from under the door, pouring the curd into the plate breaking the stiff chapatis he got from the gurudwara yesterday.

"Come on now"he called as Naaz opened her mouth and he put the morsel in it.

He noticed the new red and purple scars on her hands,wax ones on her feet and the white ones on her face,bleach,he looked away as Naaz hummed putting a morsel in his mouth.

Aasira's voice echoed in his head as he wiped his tears mixing the chapati and curd.

"It's loving that's hard, you'll know when you grow up"


"Come on now"Rahul banged the wooden stick on the washroom door again as Naaz tried to close it.

"Hurry up"he said as the girl took her pants down and peed,he watched making her squirm uncomfortably whenever he looked at her.

"She's pregnant"Mohit screamed as Naaz pulled her pants up, following the men to a room.

"Rashmi, my ugly bird, atleast you are of some use, finally"Rahul said to the woman lying on a cot,there was blood and vomit on the floor,her clothes and in the air.

The men covered their noses.

"Call the couple and tell them to send something for her to eat"Rahul said.

"Some crispy notes would be good"Mohit said giggling as he walked out of the room.

Naaz ran towards Rashmi when she puked again and Rahul grabbed her neck "you better grow up pretty or people will slide into you from the back in half rate"he warned as Naaz nodded.

"Rashmi"Naaz whispered,as the woman could barely keep her eyes open,she jumped into the cot wiping the pregnant woman's mouth with her dress.

"I saved you some curd,Akh bought it"Naaz said as Rashmi just groaned like she always does,no words just groans as she fed her little by little.

┻━┻ ︵ ¯\ (ツ)/¯ ︵ ┻━┻

📍 Sakshi 's society

"Sir?" Viraat heard a faint whisper.
He turned his head around to see a dilapidated Kabir limping towards him as he turned the body in front of him.

It wasn't Kabir and in his whole career Viraat have never been so relieved to see a dead body he knew nothing about.

There was a cut on Kabir's lip and blood was oozing out of it as he muttered "Sakshi" and fell.

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