Ep 4 : Right Where You Left Me

49 11 4

"I Am Right Where I Cause No harm
Mind My Business
If Our Love Died Young
I Can't Bear Witness"

📌 Some brothel in Delhi


For once,Lucky thought it was Aasira.His sister came back from dead, but then his eyes fell on the tiny hands tugging on his shirt.

"She's our new imply, what do you call it?"Rahul said.

"Employee"Lucky corrected.

"But she's just a kid"

"So,were you but you are grown,what old?"Rahul asked in broken english.

"Eleven"Lucky replied adding the 2000 + 5600 + 7000 from last night.

"Rahul brother, blunder"Mukesh shouted.

"What now?"Rahul exhaled "you take care of this little rat, I'll be back"he told Lucky as he went after Mukesh.

"What do you want,mouse?"Lucky stared at the little girl.

"Do you have food?"the girl babbled.


"I haven't eaten anything from years"she said as her stomach rumbled.

"Years?"Lucky laughed"Do you even know how long an year is?"

"Yes,Akh.Father told me that day one, two..."she started counting on her fingers,which made Lucky laugh even more.

She was small but her fingers were smaller,and she thinks she can count an year on her fingers, hilarious.

"Aye,why do you keep calling me akh?"

"Isn't that what the pretty woman called you?"

"Aasira?"Lucky's throat went dry.

"That I don't know, she called you akh,and you made me forget my counting"

"Here"he said pulling out the biscuit packet from his pants,Aasira always told him to tuck some packets for emergency.

"Thankyou"she said as she tried opening the packet and spilled the biscuit on the concrete floor.

Stomping her feet on the floor she sat down eating off the floor, looking up she offered one dust laced biscuit to him.

He shook his head, staring at the little girl as she wiped the biscuit on her pants and offered it again.

"It's clean now, take it"she insisted as he took it out of her hands which were wet with saliva.

She smiled at him, unknown to where she was,who he was and what awaited her.

And he was in denial himself, looking at the girl in front of her,realisation dawned on him,his sister died.

Aasira died.She's not coming back,ever to save him.He's stuck here and so is she.

He fell down crying.The girl let out a little exasperated sigh running to the nearby pot as she fetched a glass which was barely filled with water but her sleeves soaked from reaching into the pot.

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