Something Funny.

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Donna was in the kitchen mixing some margaritas for herself. It had been a long week. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and knew that he was there, watching her.

She turned the blender off, the margaritas was now finished. She opened the cabinet and reached for a wine glass at the top of the shelf but couldn't quite reach it. He was right behind her reaching for it. She bit her lip to bite back the moan that was about to come from her throat, he was too close.

"Thanks." She said in shaky voice.

That ass is soft. he thought. "Why do you keep the glasses up so high?" He said.

Maybe because I wanted that to happen. "Habit, I guess."

"Why so much margarita? You know I don't drink that."

"It's for me. It's my first day off tomorrow in three weeks and I'm bout to get fucked up."

He laughs. "Okay, well you got some beer?" He asks.

"Yep, a 12 pack." She replies.

She grabs the blender cup, her wine glass, and the two plates and walks into the living room.

He opens the fridge and grabs the 12 pack that he know she bought just for him. She doesn't drink beer. He heads to the living room.

"Damn, you drinking the whole 12 pack?" She asks as he enters the living room.

"Yep, we getting fucked up together, Brenda broke up with me."

"Omg, that should've been the first thing you said when you walked through the door. What happened now?" She asks.

"We're at different places in life, and blah blah blah." He replies, imitating Brenda.

"She'll be back." She says, taking food from the containers and putting them on the plates.

"I know, but I don't think I want her to come back though." He says, grabbing his plate.

"Really? Why the sudden change?" She asks.

"It's not sudden, I been tired of the situation. I ain't wanna break up with her so I got on her nerves until she broke up with me." He says, laughing.

Laughing, she says. "Omg, why didn't you just tell the girl the truth!"

"It's less fun that way."

They both laugh.

"Boy you a fool, what you wanna watch?"

"Something funny."

They settle on the floor around the coffee table. She grabs the remote and goes on Netflix to find something funny.

She knows this comedy that recently came out a couple months back. She immediately finds it.

"I been wanting to see this for the longest." He says when he reads the title.

"Me too." She says.

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