The Meet

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Castiel nervously pulls on his sleeves. "Where is he? He's an hour late." He whispers as he looks around the lobby. "Are you Castiel Novak?" A deep voice coming from behind him asks. Castiel nearly jumps out of his skin as he turns to face a green eyed man. "Who are you? Are you..." he looks down at his hand where he had written a name. "D-Dean Winchester? " He looks back up at the guy. Dean smiles "In the flesh. I'm guessing you're Cas." Castiel cocks his head sideways in confusion. "Castiel is just way to long." Dean chuckles as if reading his mind. Castiel blankly stares at him. "Would you like to come up to my apartment?" Cas asks pulling his key card out. "I usually wait till the second date but...." Dean smirks at the shorter man. After getting another blank stare he nods and follows Cas to the elevators. Cas steps into the elevator biting at his lip nervously. "Soooo." Dean whispers as one last effort to clear the awkwardness. Before Cas can respond the elevator dings and the door slide open. He walks out of the elevator looking down the hall cautiously. Dean sighs. "This guy is on a new level of freak." He thinks to himself. Cas walks down the hall quietly followed by his guest. As he gets to the last door down the hall. He pulls out a set rings covered in a good amount of keys. "Will you be staying with me?" Cas asks pulling a sliver key off one of the rings. Dean nods. "Then you will need this." Cas mumbles as he hands Dean the key. He unlocks the door and steps inside. Dean lets out a small gasp.

Dean looks around in shock. Past an amazing wall of bookshelves there was a nice glass window wall that looked over the city. It looked like a great place to relax in a very modern, but cozy, living room. To his left was a small kitchen table along with the coolest kitchen he had ever seen. "S-Sooo. Do you have a room for me. Or.." He stops looking around and locks eyes with Cas who is just staring. "Yes there is a clean and ready guest room next to mine. I added some fresh sheets and pillows. So its ready for you." Cas rambles as he walks down the small hallway to the left of the kitchen. He stops at the second to last door which he opens to revel a decent size room. Its big enough to fit a queen size bed and a small dresser. Dean places his bag next to the bed as Cas walks to a set of bi-folding doors. "This is the closet. There are hangers if you want to hang up anything. There's also.." Cas stops talking as he struggles a little to get a blanket down from a top shelf. Dean walks over and reaches up, grabbing the blanket. Their closeness causes Cas to turn a bright red. "'s a quilt." He mumbles as he grabs the blanket slowly from Dean's hands. He lays the blanket at the foot of the bed. Dean who is slightly pink sets his phone on the night stand to the right of the bed. "So anything else Cas?" Dean smiles as if to mock his organization. "There is a bathroom down the hall. I make dinner around 6 and sometimes i bake. Yet it is all up to you if you want to eat what i cook." Cas mumbles quickly before closing the door. "This guy....weird." Dean chuckles a little.

Cas frowns walking away. He heads down the hallway and speed walks to the couch. He grabs a well worn book, which is laying on the arm rest, and curls up on the couch. There's this one spot that sinks just right making him feel like the couch is hugging him. He flicks on the lamp and begins to read. Yet the words mean nothing as he just stares at the page thinking of the green eyed man staying in his guest room. "Hey Cas?" Startled by his thought being interrupted he looks over to his left to see the man in question. Dean gives him a small smile. "Sorry did i scare you?" Dean plops on the other end of the couch. "Yes, i forgot you were here. Its usually very...quiet in here." Cas lies looking down at his book. He wasnt lying about how its usually quiet but he couldn't possibly forget about the green eyes in his guest room. "So may i ask?" Dean's curiosity getting the best of him. "Ask what?" Cas tilts his head in confusion. "Why you hired me?" Dean asked a tad bit annoyed. "Oh i was not the one who hired you. My older brother Gabriel worried for my safety." Cas said bluntly not understanding what Dean was implying. "Yeah? Ok why was he worried?" Dean asks rolling his eyes. Castiel's face hardens. "Our oldest brother wants to kill me." Cas looks at his book avoiding eye contact. Dean's jaw hardens. "Why the hell does he want to do that. You seem like a....nice guy." Dean say awkwardly. Cas looks at Dean pain showing in his deep blue eyes. "I reported him for sexually abusing me. Causing his drug operation to be found out." Cas stands up looking at the floor. "Im going to make dinner." Cas says leaving a very shocked and speechless Dean on the couch.

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