The Confession.

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Cas stumbles trying to get to the fridge. "Hey Deanie. Ya want some pie!" Cas leans almost falling over. Dean laughs. "He's such a light weight." he thinks as he grabs the mans shoulders. "I'm good dude come sit down." He chuckles as Cas leans on him. Dean leads him to the couch. "Hey...Dean." Cas whispers as he giggles to himself. Dean has to fight back a laugh "What Cas?" He motions Dean to get closer like its a huge secret. Dean sighs playing along and leans closer. He grabs Dean's face pulling his ear inches from his lips. "I'm gay." He pulls back to see a shocked look on Deans face. Cas busts out laughing almost falling on the floor. "Are you being serious?" Dean asks slightly confused. Cas' face grows serious. "Yes I'm very serious, Dean!" He breaks and starts laughing again. Dean just looks at him stunned. Not knowing what to say.

Dean's in his own little world until he feels Cas climb into his lap as his eyes grow wide. "Cas what....what are you doing." Cas's deep blue eyes stare in to Dean's. He kisses Dean softly. Dean's heart pounds as he melts into the kiss. Cas pulls back and Dean binks a few times. Cas blushes a deep red as he hurries to get off him. His eyes filled with tears as he spoke. "I'm so so s-sorry Dean." Cas chokes out fingers hovering over his lips. He runs to his room while Dean sits there in total shell shock.

Cas sobs into his pillow until he hears a knock at his door.He takes a shakey breath and opens it. He is pulled into a ruff kiss. Cas gasps as hands start roaming down his body. Dean takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into Cas' mouth. He moans into the kiss as a hand makes it way to his ass. Dean grabs Cas with both hands picking him up. He raps his legs around Deans waist as Dean turns slamming Cas' back against the hallway wall. H starts kissing Cas' neck causing Cas to moan loudly. He digs his nervously bitten finger nails into Deans back as Dean start grinding into Cas. "D-Dean" he moans out as Dean bites and nibbles his neck, continuing to grind into him desperately. He carries Cas to his bed. Kissing ruffly as he went. Dean looks into Cas' eyes. "Cas i-"

Cas wakes up to his alarm clock screeching. He groans as the sun is unbearable to his pounding head. He hits the alarm and pulls the blankets over his head. His eyes snap open as he remembers last night. "I kissed my bodyguard." Cas feels the urge to curl up and die at the thought of facing him today. He looks at the wall going over his dream in his head. "Do i have feelings Dean Winchester?"

Dean groan as he sits up on the couch. "Did i really fall asleep here." Dean mentally scolds himself as he get up. Memories from last night shoot threw his mind. Cas kissed him. The real problem was....did he actually kiss him back. Dean sighs walking to his room. He stops by his room and grabs some clothes and He heads for the shower. Still wonder if that kiss meant anything.

Cas finally rolls out of bed as he hears the shower turn on in the bathroom. "Good I won't have to see him." He sneaks out of his room and heads for the kitchen. He starts pulling out pans and ingredients. "Deans going to love this breakfast." He smiles to himself as he starts.

Cas hears the shower door open. He's almost giddy with excitement and lays the plates of french toast on the table but he goes stiff as he feels a gun press to his lower back...

(I don't usually leave messages in my stories but...
I'm such a troll lol XD)

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