The Night Terrors

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Dinner was ate in silence as Cas pushed the food around his plate. He finally excused himself from the table leaving Dean alone to think about earlier.

Cas laid on his bed. Staring at the ceiling. Thoughts and memories swirling threw his head like a storm. "Damn Gabriel. I don't need a body guard. If Michael comes to kill me or sends one of his goons then so be it." Cas thinks to himself. Cas hears a soft knock on his door. "Come in." Cas mumbles sitting up in his bed. Dean slowly opens the door. "Hey um you ok?" Dean asks peeking his head through the door before finally stepping inside. "I'm" Castiel blushes as he stumbles trying to remember the mans name. "Dean." Dean helps, laughing to himself. Cas' blush deepens. "Yes. Dean...Im fine." Cas looks down at his hands. Dean knows he's not but decides not to push it. "Well im gunna hit the shower and then go to bed so, Night Cas." he flashes a winning grin causing Cas to smile softly. "Goodnight Dean." he replies meekly. Dean closes the door as he leaves.

"Man, I cant find a freaking towel" Dean scowls rummaging threw the cabinets in the bathroom. He blushes madly at the sudden thought of having to yell for Cas. Dean sighs. "There is no way in hell I'm gunna ask Cas anything while im naked." he decided to just get dress. While getting dress Dean realizes he forgot his shirt in his room. Cursing to him self he walks out of the bathroom quickly and runs into something. Actually someone.

Cas heard the cabinets slamming in the bathroom down the hall. "What the hell is he doing in there?" he mumbles to him self looking up from his book. Cas jumps out of his bed at the realization. "Shit shit shit. I forgot to put towels in there!" he throws the book on the bed as he runs to his bathroom grabbing a few towels. He heads out of his room quickly. Mentally scolding himself for forgetting. When he hits something hard and falls to the floor. He looks up to see a very shirtless Dean. Cas' eyes run down Dean's ripped chest blushing madly as his heart rate quickens. "Oh shit im sorry Cas you ok?" Dean asks offering his hand to Castiel. "" Cas stumbles over his words as he grabs Dean's hand turning a bright red. "Im fine. I was going to give you some...t-towels because i f-forgot im very s-sorry." he studders refusing to make eye contact with Dean. he quickly bends down to pick up the towels scattered on the floor. Dean sighs bending down as well to help. As they both reach for the last towel their hands touch. Causing Cas to yank his hand away in shock. Cas stands up quickly. "I....i'll um...put these in the bathroom." he mumbles as Dean hands him the rest of the towels. Cas squeezes past Dean blushes madly.

Dean laughs a little to himself as he heads to his room. "That guy is just a walking fail." Dean flops on his bed. He rests his arms under his head and stares at the ceiling, having a long debate on if he should call. He sighs before reaching for his phone on the night stand. Dean flips threw his contacts before stopping at one. Dean reluctantly clicks on it. Ring. Ring. Ri-click. "Hello?" The voice asks. "Hey Sammy just checking in." Dean sighs readying himself for the lecture. "Dean you don't have to do this line of work you know." Sam says sadly. Dean has heard this more times than he could count. "Sam you know why i do this. I don't want to take your money when i can make my own." Dean says sternly. "'d be safe. Why risk your life for people you don't know?" Sam whispers into the phone sadly.

After an hour or two of catching up and arguing he finally says goodnight to Sam. As he sets his phone back on the nightstand he heard a scream come from Cas's room. Dean jumps out of bed grabbing his gun. He runs into Cas' room to find him in bed screaming. "Cas what the hell man!" Dean whispers angrily as he walk up to the bed. "Cas?" Dean asks as Cas keeps thrashing around. "He's having a nightmare." Dean says to him self. He jumps back as Cas' eyes snap open. He jumps back trying get as far as he can away from Dean. "Cas wait!..." Dean tries to stop him but Cas falls off the bed onto the floor. "Stay away! Michael please. STAY AWAY!" Cas screams frantically curling into a ball. Dean walks to the other side of the bed. "Cas its me. Its Dean." He says softly.

Cas blinks rapidly. "Dean?" He says taking a good look at him through the darkness. Cas let out a deep breath. "I'm sorry." Cas says standing up weakly. "I guess i was having a nightmare." Deans face softs. "Its ok Cas. Get to bed." Cas's heart quickens. "N-No i think i'll...go to the living room for a bit." he says quietly. "Would you like some company?" Dean asks. He shakes his head. "It's all right. You go to sleep. I wont be up long." Cas smiles weakly. Dean reluctantly sighs. "Alright if you need anything shout, knock on my door. Whatever." He says as he walk into the hallway, Cas follows. "Night Cas." Dean says smiling.  Cas's stomach flips and smiles back. "Goodnight Dean."

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