Batman sleep over

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Cas feels his legs go weak as the gun digs into his lower back. "So I'm guessing you're Castiel?" A gruff voice asks. Cas doesn't answer as he tries to fight the panic welling up inside his chest. The man pushes him into one of the kitchen chairs. He finally gets a good look at his attacker. The man was tall and scars littered his face like he got into a brawl with a mean ally cat. He smirked thinking how stupid that sounded but before he realizes he made a mistake the hilt of the gun makes swift contact with his face. He tastes the blood that quickly fills his mouth as he leans over to spit the blood out the man grabs his hair making him look at his ugly face. "Was something funny kid?"

Dean walks out of the bathroom stopping when he hears a strangers voice. He quietly makes his way to his room and grabs his gun. He slowly makes his way to the kitchen. Stopping just out of sight of the gunman. He sees Cas spit blood in the man's face and Dean steps out pointing the gun at the man. "Nice face did a cat do your make up?" Dean smirked as the man jumps pointing the gun at him. "Who are you?" The man asked grabbing Cas and holding him like a shield. Dean smirks. "I'm batman." With out a hesitation Dean shot the man straight threw the skull.

Cas gasps panic raising in him. He collapses to the floor gasping for air. "D-Dean." He chokes out as Dean slides across the floor grabbing Cas tightly. Cas sobs uncontrollably still hearing the ringing in his ears."Shh Cas its ok. Its over now you're ok." Dean whispers. Cas sobs harder grabbing Dean's shirt desperately, knowing he would protect him. Cas sees the room spin before darkness consumes him.

Dean feels Cas go limp, picking him up he lays him on the couch and looks at the dead body numbly, pulling out his phone.

A few week's had gone by. The blood stain in the kitchen was final gone after scrubbing till his fingers where numb. Dean would offer to help but Cas would push him away. He still felt numb. He wouldnt talk. He wouldnt eat. He just sat, knees curled to his chest, on the couch staring at a blank wall. He couldn't get over the fact that, just a few feet away, a life was lost. He couldn't cry. He couldn't get the tears to fall but he still felt like his chest was being ripped open. He always wanted to run into Dean's room but he couldn't. He was afraid. This night was different he was losing his mind from lack of sleep. He kept seeing things in the shadows. Kept hearing the gunshot. The thud of the body hitting the floor. Cas couldn't take it any more. He jumped out of his bed and ran to the door, swinging it open,and quickly walking to his room. The only man at this moment in time that could bring him comfort. Cas just stood there, staring at the door, tears streaming down his face. He couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't take the guilt. He open the door. "D-Dean." Cas whispers out into the darkness. He could feel the sobs about to rip threw him like a knife. "Cas?" A grumbly whisper answers him. He could only get out one word. "Help." He collapses to the floor sobbing and gasping for air. He didn't even hear the bed springs creak or notice the strong arms embrace him. He just cried everything tear he's been holding in.

Dean picks him up bridal style and heads for his room. "You need to rest" Dean whispers as he walks to the bed. He places the nearly unconscious Cas on his bed but is stopped by a hand gripping his arm. "P-Please don't...go." tears stream down his cheeks. Dean sighs feeling the urge to protect him from his nightmares so climbs into the bed with him. "Okay Cas. This is a one time thing." Dean says sternly. Cas nods weakly and makes room for him. Dean flicks off the lamp and closes his eyes. He soon feels Cas snuggle close to his back. Dean sighs again and turns over. Cas curl up to his side and lays his head on his chest. Dean gives in rapping his arm around Cas. Surprisingly he was comfortable and closes his eyes, allowing sleep to swallow him.

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