Chapter 2 Paradise

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 I waited in the cafe for Cha Hakyeon to arrive. After a few minutes a familiar face waved at me from outside the cafe window. It was Hakyeon, I waved back with a smile.
  "Did you wait long?" he asked while getting closer to the table I was sitting at.
  "No, I got here a few minutes ago, too."
  "Then shall we get exploring?"
  "Sure, where are we going?"
  "You'll find out when we get there."
  "Wait, what if you're kidnapping me. We just met and I don't know you that well."
  "Fine, you just had to ruin the surprise, didn't you? I'm gonna take you to one of my favorite hangout places. It's not that far from here and the view there is great."
"Alright. That's all I need to know for now, I guess."
  "You have a car?" I said surprised.
  "Yep, are you impressed?" Hackyeon said while standing next to a white sports car and trying to make a cool pose.
  "Kinda, I didn't think a guy who can't control where he throws his ball has this kind of car." I said with a giggle.
  "Hey! That's not fair." Hakyeon said and then started laughing, too.
  "Come on, I wanna go to your favorite hangout place already." I said rushing him.
  "Okay, okay ." he said while unlocking his car with his car keys.
  After about 20 minutes of driving in the car, we finally arrived at a place where I didn't see many people, or anyone else at all. There weren't many buildings, either.
  "So, is this the place you're taking me to?" I asked anxiously.
  "Almost. Just be a little more patient." he said.
  We got out of the car and started walking. I followed Hakyeon as he walked. After walking for a few minutes, I saw a lake house near the beach that he started walking towards.
 "Okay, follow me inside." he said.
When we walked in, there were other people in there as well.
  "Sienna, this is my friend  Leo and his girlfriend Chloe."
  "Hi, I'm Sienna." I said looking at Hakyeon's friends.
  "When did you two meet?" Leo asked .
  "Yesterday." answered Hakyeon.
  "Oh wow.. you must be special then. Hakyeon doesn't usually bring strangers here."  said Chloe.
  Hakyeon started making signs trying to tell her to stop. I thought that that was cute.
  "Sienna, come with me, I want to show you something."
  I followed him. Then he  started climbing a ladder, and I did too after him. When I got to the top, it was the roof. We were on top of the lake house and the view was amazing.
  "So, what do you think? Not bad, huh?"
  "Not bad? Are you kidding, it's beautiful." I said out of amazement.
  The view of the ocean, the palm trees, and all of Orlando was just beautiful.
  "Cha Hakyeon?"
  He looked at me with those big, brown eyes.
  "Can you promise me that you'll bring me here one more time before I go back home." I asked him.
  "I promise." Hakyeon reassured me.

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