Chapter 11 Upsidedown

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    Just when I thought everything was going great, and everything was going to be fine, everything was falling apart. I was wrong. My whole world. Everything. And all these horrible disasters started when...

"Sienna?" Hakyeon asked.

"Yes, Hakyeon."

"I need to tell you something important." He said then paused.

"Okay. Go ahead."

"" Hakyeon struggled to find the right words.

Then, all of a sudden, he started having a hard time breathing.

"Hakyeon, are you okay?" I said starting to get worried.

"Yea, I'm-." Then he became unconsious and the moniter started beeping.

I freaked out and called the nurse and then a bunch of doctors came in checking on him.

"He's going into septic shock." One of the doctors yelled out.

"Let's move him to the ICU." said another doctor.

I was scared and didn't know what to do. He was just fine two seconds ago. I followed the doctors and waited for someone to explain to me what was happening. Then finally..

"Hi. So Hakyeon got a little bit of an infection in his wound which got into his bloodstream and caused some of his organs to fail, but don't worry because we got it under control and he'll be just fine. We gave him antibiotics to fight off the infection and it should be totally gone in a couple days. We're going to run a few more tests to make sure everything is good."

"Okay, thank you so much doctor." He nodded then left. I sighed in relief.

Then, his mom came.

"What happened? Is he okay?" Mrs. Cha asked, short of breath as she ran to me.

"He's fine now. He got an infection, but he'll be okay." I said reassuring her.

They let her go see him, but I couldn't because I wasn't family. I just hoped that he'd get better.
His mom told me that there's no point in staying and that I should just go home and rest. She said that she'll call me as soon as they take him out of the ICU so that I can see him.
   "How is he?" My mom asked as I walked in the house.
  "He's in the ICU. They wouldn't let me see him. Family only." I said. 
  "It's okay, pumpkin. Everything's gonna be okay." She said as I went to cuddle with her.
Then she continued..
  "Honey.." She started.
  "Yea." I said
  "Your dad."
  "What about him and since when do you wanna talk about him with me?" I asked surprised that she actually decided to mention him for once.
  "He's here."
  I jumped at those words.
  "What? What do you mean he's here?"
   "I mean he's here, in this house right now. He's upstairs showering."
  "Why?" I said backing away and tears filling my eyes making things blurry.
  "Honey, he wants to meet you. Just let him."
  "Just let him? All my life he wasn't here because he didn't want to be, and now you just want my to let him meet me? Why should I do that?" I said.
  Then a man came down the stairs.
  "Sienna?" He said with a smile on his face.
My dad was standing right in front of me. After 17 years, he decides to show up now.  I couldn't take it so I ran out the door and got in my car and drove away.

I called Winter and asked if I could stay the night at her house; she said I could and that it would be fun, and maybe it would have if only I didn't have a million thoughts running through my head. I told her everything that was happening because I needed someone to talk to. Apparently, she's a great listener.

  The next day, Winter and I went to school together. It was a boring day, and I spent it with Vixx. I missed Hakyeon so I decided to go to the hospital and visit to check if I can see him anytime soon. On my way out of the school, my "dad" was out there waiting for me.

  "Sienna, can you just listen to me please." He said.

  I got in my car as fast as I could and drove away. I wanted to listen to his explanation, but not now. I couldn't take it right now. I just needed time.

I got to the hospital and saw Mrs. Cha.

  "Oh thank God you're here, Sienna." She said as she hugged me.

  "What's going on?" I asked in confusion.

  "They're taking Hakyeon out of the ICU and taking him to his room right now.
  "Really?" I jumped in excitement.

  "Yea. Go see him." She smiled.

  "Hakyeon!" I ran and hugged him as soon as I laid eyes on him.

  "I've missed you." He said.

  "I've missed you, too." I said holding his hand.

Hakyeon POV

  'She needs to know now. I need to tell her, but she's been through so much already.' I thought to myself.

  Well, I had to tell her soon, anyways. Might as well just do it now.

   "Sienna." I said.

  "Yes?" She said with her soft voice.

  "Remember when I was gonna tell you something before all this?" I asked.


  "Well, the doctor said I'm gonna be able to leave the hospital in a few days because I'm getting better and there's no need for me to stay..." I continued.

  "Okay and."

  "My company wants me to go back to Korea." There. I said it and I got it off my chest.

  "What?" She said and her voice cracked.

  "I'm so sorry. They said we're done promoting here for now and want us to start working on our new album there."

  Tears were now falling down her cheek.

  "So you're leaving?" She said with a sad tone.

  "Yes, we are." Referring to Vixx.

  "When?" She asked.

  "When the school year ends, so in a couple of weeks." I said trying to hold back my own tears.
  Sienna POV
  When he finally started getting better, he leaves. He's leaving me to deal with my dad alone. He's leaving.
   Too many things were happening to me at the same time. I just wanted to sleep and forget everything, even for just a moment. So that's what I did. I got up and and walked out of the room without saying another word. I wanted to go home, but realized that "he" might be there so I decided to go back to Winter's house.
  I woke up after a long nap and found my phone ringing. It was Chloe.
  "Hi. " I said as I answered the phone.
  "Hey, Sienna."
  "What's up?" I asked trying to sound normal.
  "So I heard about how you reacted to Hakyeon telling you that they have to go back."
  "Wait, you knew they were gonna go back to Korea?"
  "I mean, yea I did. They weren't gonna live here forever."
  "How come no one's ever mentioned this to me until now?"
  "Well, you guys haven't been dating for that long and I guess he just hadn't found the right time to tell you, you know. "
  "Still, I should've known before now."
  "Ok well I'm going with them to Korea with them for the summer and I just wanted to let you know that Hakyeon was gonna ask you, but he wanted to let you cool off first. "
  "Really?" I asked taking it into consideration. I actually wanted to go. This would be my first summer with Hakyeon and I wanna spend it with him; doesn't matter where we are. Plus, visiting South Korea would be awesome!
  "Yea. I hope you come, Sienna. We can be roommates there, and we'll all be together."
  "Thank you for telling me, Chloe."
  "You're welcome."
  And we ended the call at that. Now, I wanted to go talk to Hakyeon and figure everything out with him so I went back to the hospital.
On my way to the hospital, Hakyeon called.
"Hello." I said.
"Sienna, babe. Can you come so we can talk?"
"I'm actually coming right now."
"Really? That's great. I'll talk to you then."

After ending that call, I got to the hospital a few minutes later.
"I'm so glad you came." Hakyeon said as I walked in through the door.
"I'm glad I'm here, too."
"Sienna, look I really was going to tell you. It's just that things kept happening and I just couldn't find the right time. "
"It's okay. I understand. It's just that I want you to stay here with me. Don't leave me and go." I said tears starting to fill my eyes once again.
"But we don't have to be separated, at least not for the summer. Come with me to Korea. It'd be great and so much fun. I can take you to all my favorite restaurants and take you to all the cool malls that we have. I promise. Just say yes."
"I'd love to." I said joy filling my heart.
Hakyeon leaned in and kissed me. For those few seconds, I felt like everything was going to be okay and that we were going to be just fine.
"Now, we need to tell my mom and convince her, but I don't think it'll be too hard though. "
"That's good." Hakyeon said in relief.
"Also, there's this one other thing that happened. "
Hakyeon looked at me and had a serious face.
"What happened?"
"My dad.. He's here. "
"Your dad? Ok well, do you not want to meet him?" He asked.
"Well, I obviously want to meet him and talk to him, but I'm really pissed, too. Like, where has he been all these years, and why does he decide to come find me now?"
"You know, it sounds like questions that you find answers to by actually talking to him and asking him."
"I guess, but I'm also a little scared to find the answers. "
"It's okay, Sienna. If your mom let him come and stay at your house, I'm sure he's fine and has a valid answer."
"You're right. I should go home and find my answers that I deserve."
"Yes, you should. Call me before you sleep. I want to listen to your voice before I sleep." Hakyeon said them kissed my cheek.
"I will. "
  I walked inside my house and saw my parents sitting in the living room.
  "Sienna?" He said with a shaky voice.
  "Ok. So here's how it's gonna go. I'm going to listen and you're going to tell me everything I need to know about what happened and why you left me."
  "Okay. I will."
  "Okay." I said feeling many different emotions at the same time and tried to calm myself down.
  "Alright so everything started when I came to the United States from South Korea. I met your mom and we fell in love. We decided to get married but we had trouble agreeing on where to live together.  Here or Korea. But then we found that we were having you and just decided to stay here. Everything was great until my mom got cancer in Korea. I went back to take care of her and it took a really long time and we moved on with our lives after a few years. I mean I obviously didn't just forget that I had a daughter, but I didn't have a life to get back to to come back here anymore. I couldn't start all over again all over. I know it sounds stupid, but that's what happened and I hope you understand."
  I had so many thoughts going on through my head. Do I forgive him? Is what he did okay?
  "Then why didn't you even call? Or ask about me?" I asked tears running down my face.
  "I did. Once in a while. I just didn't think you knowing about me contacting your mom would be the best thing since I wasn't coming back."
  "But you're here now. Why did you decide to come back after all this time? Why?"
  "I thought that it's time that I get to know you and live with you and have the experience we've never had before."
  "You think that you coming now will pay back for all the time you've missed? My childhood? Most of my teen years?"
  "I know it's won't completely, but at least late than never." He said.
  "Yea, well you say that to yourself and make yourself feel better." I said running to my room.

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