The Ally

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Willow woke up to screaming. She looked outside,and she saw the boy from 8 and the girl from 10 attacking the young girl from 4. Willow looked at her axe. Ran up behind the boy,swung her axe,and struck him in the back.Almost immediately he fell. The cannon went "BANG!!"The girl looked at her ,all she had was a knife , she ran. Mags looked at her,"Don't kill me,"she whimpered.

Willow looked at her like she was crazy,"I'm not going to kill you,but I was wondering do you want to be my ally?" Mags face light up " YES!! You got the highest score and your asking me I got one of the lowest." "Yeah I know, but I've seen you,you're good with a trident,you can make a hook out anything, you know your edible plants, and you can weave a basket that can hold water." "Okay so what do we do first?"

Please comment. I hope you liked the chapter😎😉😋

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