The Poor Pack

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Willow woke up to a noise, she squinted. She could see the outline of a person and a weapon. Willow could see Mags and Timber. "Mags, Timber wake up!" Willow whisper yelled. They sat up, and Willow pointed at the figure. Timber and Mags grabbed their weapons.

The figure came toward them, Willow braced herself. The figure came out into the light of the moon, it was the boy from 12. He stared at them and said" The tributes from 11 and I want your group to join us to take down the career pack." "How do we know we can trust you?" Willow asked.
"There's no evidence that that you can trust us, and it's your choice."

Willow,Timber,and Mags gathered together. "I know they said it's our choice, but I have a feeling they'll kill us if we don't." Mags said. "I believe it." Timber said. "Okay,so we're going to join them, but we'll stay on guard" Willow said. They nodded."Okay we'll join you," Timber said. The boy from 12 said," I'm Coal, and welcome to the Poor Pack."

It seems like they're turning into careers right? Don't worry it won't last long😈😏😉

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