I Didn't Think I'd Ever Find You

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They got water.Willow said ,"I've got to go do something, you don't have to go with me." Mags replied, "I don't care where we are going.I'm gonna come." "Okay we're going to get my boyfriend, Timber.""We better go then, where do you think he is?" "I have no idea, but I bet he is looking for me."

They walked around the island for three hours, and she felt exhausted. She felt like giving up. Her mind raced what if he was wounded and dying what if the careers had caught him?Then they heard someone yelling "WILLOW,WILLOW." "TIMBER!!"Willow shouted. She started running toward the sound. She ran right into Timber's arms. They hugged and kissed each other."I didn't think I'd ever find you," he whispered.

maryclaire321 gave me the idea for this chapter 🐱🐱🐱

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