Chapter 14 - Waiting for News

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Back at the House;
Jensen 'Jay' Ackles...

The noise from the police collecting evidence was drowning out the thumping of my heart in my chest and ears. If only it could stop the tirade of thoughts swimming through my mind. I would give anything to calm them - to stop me from sinking into the images that were somehow seared in my mind's eye.

Tonight, was supposed to be a celebration of sorts - Hailey and I were talking through our problems, we have addressed what I did and why I did it. We have begun to build plans for the future so that we don't ever find ourselves back in this place again. Don't get me wrong - I know for a fact that I am the luckiest man on the planet right now, not only has my wife agreed to give me another chance, but she has also agreed to take some extended leave from work so that we can just spend time together and reconnect.

Last night had been the first time we had been intimate since I messed up. It truly felt like we were moving in the right direction now. I couldn't have handled it if she kept pushing me away. I fought to keep her with me, fought to get her to listen and I think that was part of the reason that she finally let her walls down. Me - fighting for us. Me - being vulnerable with her. Me - begging her to try and make this work again. I honestly don't know what I would have done if she had refused. Hell, even coming here hadn't been a guarantee that we were going to survive what I had done.

I have truly never loved anyone the way I love my wife and I can't even imagine what it would be like to be with someone else on a long-term basis. I don't think that I would have ever recovered if she had given up on us.

So, yes tonight was supposed to be a celebration for Hailey and me. Now it has been tainted. Tainted with images of my little sister huddled up on the floor, shaking and sobbing, crying out in pain - blood almost covering her entire body. That is not an image that I am ever going to forget.

Jonah had violated her in the worst way that a man could ever violate a woman. Especially a woman that he claims to love. I had always known that there was something off about this man, something that I hadn't been able to put my finger on, but it was an uneasiness that I couldn't ever put my finger on. Hailey had often asked me why I had such a strong dislike for him, but it seriously wasn't something that I could explain. I tried to put it in words a few times, just in my own head but I couldn't and now I knew why. It hadn't ever crossed my mind that he would be capable of the level of harassment that he has been inflicting on her since they split up, let alone rape.

My little sister had been raped. My own flesh and blood had been sexually attacked. By a man that she had once trusted so much to move halfway across the world. "Mr Ackles -," a police officer was in front of me as I came out of the haze of my thoughts.


"What can you tell me about the relationship between Mr. Stevens and Miss. Ackles?"

"There is no relationship, there hasn't been a relationship between them for more than a month now. If you people had done your damn jobs when she called you out a few weeks back then maybe my sister wouldn't have been raped this evening -," I charged angrily.

"There was an incident here a few weeks back?" The officer asked, furiously scribbling in his notebook.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" Throwing my hands in the air, I turned away before I was arrested along with Jonah.

"Officer," Hailey stepped forward, saving me from losing the last tendrils of patience with him, "my sister called for help a few weeks back - Jonah was here banging and kicking on the front door, yelling insults through the letterbox. This has been an ongoing situation but up until this point tonight - he hasn't touched her, nothing he did could have gotten you to issue anything more than a warning. We understand that you are just doing your job, understandably my husband is a little upset over what has happened," my wife the voice of fucking reason. God, I love her.

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