2. The Suicide Squad

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"Alright, listen up!" Rick Flag yelled to the group of angry looking criminals.

"There's five of you criminals here. Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, Killer Croc, and El Diablo. That little injection in your neck, is a nanite explosive, powerful as a hand grenade. You disobey me, you die. You try to escape, you die. You otherwise irritate or vex me, guess what? You die." Flag spoke sternly to the group of criminals in front of him.

"I'm known to be quite vexing. I'm just forewarning you." Harley Quinn spoke up.

"Lady, shut up! You'll all be informed of what you'll have to do later. For now, get acquainted. You'll be spending a lot of time together as a team. I've got to go get our sixth and final member." Flag spoke before turning and heading into a building.

The criminals were informed by another guard of their clothes and belongings and they were all eager to get out of their jumpsuits.

Boomer was relieved to be back into his old attire. It made him feel alive again. However, he froze in his spot when he noticed Pinky, the pink stuffed unicorn lying in the bottom of his bag.

Laughter, screams, and music filled the air as Riley and Digger walked through the carnival together. They had rode nearly every ride in the place at least twice.

"Oh yes." Riley beamed, eyes wide with a mischievous smirk on her face. Digger followed her eyes to the carnival game in front of them. The strength game with the bell on top and the large hammer next to it to use and hit it.

"C'mon big boy. Show me what you're made of." Riley purred at him, a look in her eyes that sent shivers down Diggers spine.

Digger walked up to the man and paid him the cash to play the game. He picked up the large hammer and tossed it around in his hands for a moment. He held it up over his shoulder getting ready to swing it down. But before he did he turned to look at Riley with that shit eating grin on his face and sent her a wink. He slammed the hammer down and with no surprise the bell had rang loudly.

"Congratulations sir! And what will the prize be madam?" The older man congratulated Digger before turning to Riley, assuming that she was his girlfriend.

Her eyes wandered through the row of stuffed animals before they fell on a cute pink unicorn. She smiled and told the carnie which animal she wanted.

Digger smiled at the memory. He had never told her, but she looked so beautiful that night. It was the night that he accepted his feelings towards her. He had fell for his best friend.

"Ah, Pinky, I've missed you." He gave the unicorn a squeeze before hiding it in his jacket.

"I shall call you Pinky, and you shall bring us good luck." Riley laughed as they continued to walk through the carnival, enjoying all of the lights.

"Pinky, eh? I like that." Digger nodded approvingly.

"Here, you hold onto her." Riley shoved Pinky into Diggers hands. He let out a chuckle before putting it into his jacket. He didn't object as he knew she tended to lose things easily.

And that's how it stayed from then on out. Pinky always stayed with Digger as Riley had entrusted him with it.

"Here we go!" Flag yelled, catching the teams attention. "Before I bring her out, there's some things you need to be aware of. She's powerful. I'd be a little more worried about her, than I would the nanite in your neck. So watch your mouths, and play nice. Or she will electrocute you, understand?"

The group looked on with fear and curiosity. Meanwhile, Diggers eyes snapped up in an instant at the word 'electrocute.' It couldn't be her, could it?

Riley was being escorted out by a group of guards. She was already dressed back into her usual attire: skinny jeans, a black t shirt, and the Jordan's on her feet.

Her heart was pounding in her chest. The leader, Amanda Waller, had informed her over video chat of what she would be doing. When she quickly disagreed, she told her that she knew where Digger was. And that if she didn't cooperate, Digger was dead.

She had no choice but to go along and work with a bunch of criminals. She wasn't violent. She never hurt or killed anybody until she got into prison. Which to be fair, was all in self defense. She wanted Digger by her side. But as far as she knew, he was still stuck in some prison. Apparently now with his life in her hands.

As she walked, she continuously clenched and unclenched her fists, trying to get herself to calm down. But with each clench of her fist, the light poles she passed exploded.

The squad watched on intently as they could see the light poles steadily exploding. They couldn't see the girl just yet, as she was surrounded by soldiers. They came to a stop right in front of the group.

"Thieves and murderers, meet Riley Tucker, otherwise known as Short Fuse. Your final member of the team." Flag spoke, a serious look on his face as he watched the other members facial expressions.

Digger couldn't believe his eyes as the soldiers pushed her forwards. She looked up at each member of the group with cold, hard eyes.

"Oh, shit. We're gonna die." Deadshot spoke.

However, their fearful opinions came to a halt when they watched Riley's eyes meet Boomers. The anger and hatred melted off of her face in an instant. It suddenly had the rest of the team looking between the two of them questioningly.

She took a slow step forward, never taking her eyes off of him as if he'd disappear.


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