3. They're Doing It

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"Digger." Riley whispered. Her best friend was standing just a few feet away from her. Was she dreaming?

"Hello, love." Digger shot her a sweet smile and within seconds Riley broke out into a sprint.

A laugh erupted from her lips as she jumped into his arms. He held her tight and spun her in a circle before setting her back onto her feet. But he refused to let go of her, not yet at least. He closed his eyes and began to feel at peace as he breathed in her familiar scent.

"So, are you two like boyfriend girlfriend?" Harleys loud voice interrupted the moment.

"Wait a minute, you two know each other?" Flag questioned, his brows furrowed together. "Am I missing something? Are you two together?" He asked again.

"Uh, mate. You're ruinin' me moment, here." Digger groaned as he let go of Riley. "She's me partner in crime. My bestest friend in the whole wide world." There was that goofy, cocky smirk on his face again as he slung his arm around Riley's shoulders.

"I think they're doing it." Harley smiled widely at Deadshot, as if everybody standing there hadn't heard her.

"So, you're just friends?" Flag clarified, unsure of the situation.

"Yeah... just friends." Riley smiled at the group innocently. But nobody standing there missed how she hesitated ever so slightly when she spoke those words. Especially Digger Harkness, whose smirk only grew more.

Flag announced to them that they would be leaving on a plane soon, but until then they still had time to kill. With that information, Digger grabbed Riley's hand and pulled her away from the group to sit down on the side lines.

"I've missed you so much, Dig." Riley spoke first. "I didn't know if I was gonna see you again."

"I missed ya too, doll. I knew I'd find a way to see ya. Just didn't think it'd be with ya here." He spoke, slight anger and sadness in his voice at the last words he spoke. Riley just kept her eyes glued to the dirt in front of her.

"Ya gonna tell me how ya got caught?" He asked her. Throughout his time in prison he assumed that she was still out there living her life. He never expected to run into her here, to discover she'd been in prison, too.

"After the Flash got you, I tried to go on, you know. I tried to rob the next bank we had planned, but the Flash was already there waiting for me." She spoke sadly. She didn't want to look into his eyes. She knew he was upset that she got caught. He never wanted her to end up in prison.

"How long after?" He pushed.

"What?" This was a question she didn't want to have to answer.

"How long after I was locked up, did ya get caught?"

"Three weeks." She whispered.

"What?!? Are ya kiddin' me? Three fuckin' weeks? That's it? Ya mean this whole time, you've been locked up too?" Digger yelled, catching the attention of the rest of the team.

"Digger." She warned. Things were different than they used to be. She used to be able to control her powers so easily, only because Digger kept her out of harms way. Since she went to prison, she was constantly screamed at, beat, and tortured. Her ability to control her powers had faded away drastically since they had last seen each other.

"What was it, huh? Ya bein' reckless now? Too much of a hot head to use ya bloody brain?" Digger yelled, anger all over his face.

"Stop!" Riley yelled, the light that was just above Diggers head exploded in an instant, glass shattering down on his body.

After ducking for cover, he looked up at her with fear in his eyes. Not because he was scared of her, but what had changed her.

"I'm sorry, Dig. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She whimpered, tears filling up in her eyes as she had almost hurt her best friend.

Digger quickly pulled her into a hug, resting his chin on top of her head. "What did they do to ya, love?"

"What's it look like they did to me?" Riley quietly spoke as she pulled away from the hug, letting Digger get a good look at her face. He had seen the black eye and bruised cheek when he first laid eyes on her. However, he had been doing everything he could not to focus on it.

Digger wore a scowl on his face as his eyes stayed glued to her bruises. Before he could reply, Flag had yelled for everyone to get onto the plane. Riley quickly jumped up, grabbing Diggers hand and pulling him with her.

She took her place next to Boomer on the plane, being wedged between him and Harley.

"You're really pretty, ya know that?" Harley smiled at Riley.

She opened her mouth to thank Harley but Digger cut her off.

"Thanks, mate. I always thought I was the pretty one between the two of us." That cheeky, little bastard smirked, pointing between himself and Riley. As Digger joked with Harley, he had leaned over in his seat, his face just inches away from Riley's. Harley giggled at the situation before her. Not because of Diggers joke, but because of the way she watched Riley's eyes look at every inch of the mans face. Their gazes all turned to Deadshot as he spoke.

"So, you two robbed banks together? Look, Short Fuse, I gotta ask. How the hell do you put up with his lunatic ass?" Deadshot pointed at Boomer. He knew he was being incredibly nosy, but Captain Boomerang and Short Fuse seemed like total opposites.

"It's a lot harder than it looks." She laughed, shaking her head.

"Oi! Riley! Ya damn right it is! Wanna go find out? Sure we can find a bathroom on this thing?" Digger smirked, turning her words into a dirty joke. He jokingly turned to look around for a bathroom.

"Digger!" Riley yelled, face beat red. She slapped her hand down on his leg, snickering lightly as he jumped nearly a foot in his seat at the sudden action. The rest of the group laughed at the interaction between the two of them.

"Maybe I was wrong." Harley turned to look at Deadshot. "Maybe they ain't doing it." She turned her attention back to Riley. "Are you two doing it?" She pointed between Riley and Digger.

"Uh, no. No we aren't." Riley answered, clearly embarrassed by the conversation. Digger was next to her biting his lip, trying to hold back a dirty response for her sake.

"Well why not? You two look like you'd be a whole lot of fun left alone together." She smirked at Riley, knowing that she definitely had feelings for the large Aussie next to her.

"Harley." Deadshot stopped her. He knew Harley didn't need to be interfering with whatever Riley and Boomerang had going on.

"This wasn't exactly what I meant by team bonding." Flag spoke, a disgusted expression on his face.

The group sat in silence for a little while before Harley spoke up again.

"Ooh! Look at the pretty lights! Are you guys seeing this?"

Riley tensed immediately at the sight outside on the ground. She only calmed down slightly when she glanced up at Digger who sent her a reassuring smile.

That all faded rather quickly when the plane suddenly started crashing. Every person on the plane was filled with panic as they headed towards the ground. Digger snatched Riley's hand and held onto it tightly. She wasn't sure if it was meant to be for her comfort or his.

The plane crashed into the ground, rolling dramatically a few times before coming to a stop. Everyone on the plane was left in a haze for a few moments.

"Riley." Digger tried to get her attention, but his voice came out strangled from the crash. All he got back was a groan of pain.

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