5. Unspoken Feelings

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"You got powers too, huh?" El Diablo's voice broke Riley out of her thoughts. The group had been walking a few minutes in silence. Digger and Riley were walking next to each other but not speaking a word. All they could think about was how they had almost kissed each other. A moment they had wanted forever.

"Yeah. Electricity. Pretty cool shit, I guess." Riley laughed dryly.

"I haven't used my fire in a while. Every time I do it ends in a disaster. Bodies everywhere. You ever lose control like that?" El Diablo genuinely asked the girl next to him. Digger was still walking next to them, listening intently to their conversation, to which Riley was well aware of.

"I used to have so much control over my powers. Or maybe I just never got put into a situation where I could lose control. Thanks to Digger. He always kept me out of danger." She tossed Boomerang a smile as she continued.

"I got to prison and you know... they didn't take a liking to me being a metahuman." She trailed off.

"Sounds the same for me. They did some pretty nasty things to you, didn't they?" El Diablo asked, thinking back to the times the guards had attacked and beat him for just minding his own business.

"Yeah. They did. I've killed 7 guards now. I didn't want to. But I didn't have much of a choice." Riley eyes stared at the road in front of her as she walked. She was doing everything she could to ignore Diggers eyes that were burning into her head.

"Alright, everybody! Take a knee. Our body's on top of that building." Flag and the entire team all began to discuss the plan for getting up there. Digger and Riley had sat back slightly from the rest of the group.

"Ya agreed that the guards did 'nasty things' to ya in prison? They beat you? That's it, right? They didn't take advantage of ya, did they?" Digger asked, beyond scared of the answer.

When Riley's eyes met his, he had the unfortunate answer. Those guards had broken his best friend. No wonder she had lost control of her powers when he simply raised his voice at her.

"Just drop it, Dig." She sighed. Digger clenched his jaw and tried to fight the tears that were building in his eyes. He couldn't help but feel like it was all his fault. He had vowed to protect Riley and keep her safe since they were just kids. And now he had failed.

"What do you say we get this over with?" Deadshot said as he headed for the building and yanked the door open. The rest of the team hurried behind him inside, only to find the room empty.

"You okay, princess?" Harley chirped at Riley, earning a small nod in return.

"Looks like we have a spot of luck, eh? Be a walk in the park. Easy peasy." Digger joked with the team, trying to distract himself from his previous conversation with Riley.

Riley felt a hand around her wrist and smiled as Harley pulled her to the elevator to get away from all the boys.

The men all turned with rather annoyed expressions as they heard the ding of the elevator and saw Harley and Riley waving down at them.

Captain Boomerang was the first to bolt up the stairs, all of the men following close behind him.

"So what's up with you and Boomer?" Harley pried, as she looked at her phone.

"I love him." Riley blurted out. "I've loved Digger since we were just teenagers. But I've never known if he's felt the same way." Riley spoke quickly as she knew the elevator ride wouldn't last forever.

"Sure seems like he feels the same way. I seen the way you two were lookin' at each other." Harley smirked over at Riley.

"We almost kissed earlier." Riley blushed, grinning at the thought of Digger Harkness.

"And Flag just had to go and be a cock block." Harley rolled her eyes. "I think you two would make a great couple! Just like me and my puddin!" Harley stated excitedly.

A crash sounded from behind them and they turned to see two monsters approaching them. The girls shared a confident smirk before attacking and killing the monsters before them.

They both let out a sigh and straightened their posture just as the elevator door opened. On the other side was Digger with a boomerang raised in the air, and both Deadshot and Flag with their guns raised.

"Hey guys!" Harley yelled, ignoring the faces on the men standing there.

"A walk in the park, easy peasy, remember?" Riley smirked, teasing Boomer with his earlier words. The group walked down the hallway until they came across a large room. It was dead silent inside.

"I don't like this, Flag." Deadshot spoke as the group stood there frozen. According to Waller, they were completely surrounded.

"I don't either."

"Pussies." Harley smirked.

"I will knock your ass out. I don't care that you're a girl." Deadshot spoke, causing Riley and Digger to snicker quietly behind them.

In a matter of seconds, the creatures had dropped through the ceiling. There was a ton of them that had fell and they all began to attack the group.

Riley began fighting just as she had earlier, easily wiping out the monsters in her way. She took out the last one standing in front of her before she turned to help her best friend out.

"Digger!" Riley screamed as she watched the love of her life fall to the floor with a knife sticking out of his chest.

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