Stolen money.

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Y/N's pov
(Btw you and Will wont get along at first but i promise you both will become very close, you know what they say enemies to lovers ;)

Me and Ziggy were running as fast as we could. We just stole $10 off Sheila because well why not. As we were running someone knocked me and Ziggy to the ground. I looked up to see it was Will, Sheila and her stupid friends. "Your gonna hang witches."

Sheila, Will and her friends started chanting some stupid rhyme about Sarah Fier infront of the 'hanging tree' "Before the witches final breath she found a way to cheat her death. By cutting off her wicked hand she kept her grip apon are land. She reaches from beyond the grave to make good men her evil slaves. She'll take your blood she'll take your head she'll follow you until your dead!" Sheila threw Ziggy to the ground while Will threw me down. They had us tied up to the tree by are wrists.

"String them up" Sheila commanded. Will did as she said while me and Ziggy screamed at them to stop. Sheila reached inside of Ziggy's pocket and grabbed the $10. "Well well, what do we have here?" "God damn thiefs!" Will shouted. "No no, there no thiefs, there possessed by the witch! The only way to explain there psycho behaviour."

I hit Sheila up the face with my elbow earning gasps from everyone. "Guess we're even now" i said smirking. Sheila was clearly mad. "You do know what they did to Sarah Fier right?! They hanged her. From this very tree." Sheila said smirking while looking up at the tree. "But she would have died forever if you did what you always do to witches. You burn them." Sheila looked over to Will. "Give me your lighter!" "What?" Will questioned looking concerned. "Give it to me!" Sheila shouted as Will passed her the lighter. "Now hold her legs!" Sheila shouted over to her friends. (Sorry i forgot there names lmao) "seriously Sheila?" One of them said not thinking she was serious.

"Do it!" Sheila demands as they make there way over to Ziggy. "No no no! Stop it stop it stop!" Ziggy shouted at them but they didnt listen. "Sheila you made your point just leave Ziggy alone" i shouted at her clearly annoyed. "Yeah Sheila it was only ten bucks" Will agrees with me. Sheila gets the flame from the lighter about to burn Ziggy but i manage to break myself free from the ropes. I make my way over to Sheila about to hit her when someone grabs my waist stopping me.

I turn around to see none other than Will Goode. I tried pushing him off me but he was too strong. "Make sure you dont let go of her while i do this" Sheila told Will while she got the flame ready again. 

Ziggy then let out a yelp of pain as the flame hit her skin. I tried to get Will to let me go but he wouldnt. We all hear a whistle and see Kurt and Nick running towards us. "What the hell is this?! Let them go!" Nick shouted over. "Nick i can explain" Will started. "Let them go Will or i swear to god i'll tell mom!" Will lets me go and lets Ziggy down. 

Everyone was explaining what happened to Kurt and Nick. "I went back to my cabin, the door was open and the next thing i knew my money was gone and Ziggy and Y/N were just sprinting away." Sheila explained. "Because you were chasing us!" Ziggy started. "Ziggy! You talk when i tell you to talk." Me and Ziggy roll are eyes. Kurt has always been against us since day one, with us being shadysiders it really doesnt help. 

"Did you see them take it?" Nick asked. "Everyone did" "everyone" me and Ziggy looked at eachother knowing we would probably get another strike. "Alright! Well thats it Bermans, five strikes your both out." "We're out?! They just tried to murder her!" I answered annoyed.
"Yeah and i'll deal with them, but first get back to camp call mommy because your both done at nightwing." Kurt said with a fake pout.

"We didnt do it" Ziggy said trying to get us out of trouble but i knew there was no point in trying. "Oh yea? Just like you's didnt set the camp flag on fire, let the camp rabbits out or graffiti the outhouse stalls?! I warned you." "Kurt, its not there fault really, there possessed by Sarah Fier" Sheila comments with a disgusting smirk. I was about to go up and hit her when Will stopped me by wrapping his arms around me.

"Look we kick them out someone is going to ask about the burn on Ziggy's arm and the bruises on
Y/N, then who is in trouble huh?" Nick states while Will agrees. "Yea i say we let this one slide." "Alright. One more strike, and your out for real. Do you hear me Bermans?" Kurt warns. "One more" he states while holding up a finger. "Being bossed around by the Goodes? Wow some things never change" Ziggy quickly says while i free myself from Will's grip. We both walk away clearly mad knowing Sheila will get away with everything as usual.

Me and Ziggy are stopped by the two Goodes who followed us. "Hey you might wanna have Nurse Lane check that burn out" Nick tells Ziggy acting concerned. "Nah ill just let it get infected and die" "wow how lovely Ziggy! should i start planning your funeral?" I say smirking at her while she rolls her eyes. "What do we not even get a thank you?" Nick comments. "Oh! Im sorry i forgot, thank you kings of Sunnyvale future police cheif Nick Goode and future Mayor Will Goode or whatever your going to be. For helping the poor shadyside witches! How shall we ever repay you?!" I snap at Nick making everyone shocked. Ziggy continues, "oh i know how about we batt are eyes at you both like every other stupid girl." Me and Ziggy walk away flipping them off.

(Im so sorry if this is bad i have never wrote a story on here before so i have no clue what im doing! I am very sorry lmaoo)

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