The killer.

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TW: intence makeout session, Hickys, moaning.

Y/N's pov

Me and Will were making out in science and nature. His hands were roaming up and down my body. He pinned me to the wall and started kissing my collarbone. He didnt find it hard to find my weak spot which caused me to let a small moan.

He left a trail of hicky's all over my neck, making his way back up to my mouth. We start kissing passionately again until we hear screams. We quickly stop and make are way over to where everyone was.

I look over to see poor Jeremy had been killed and there was a massive puddle of blood with his glasses laying in it. I let out a scream and vomit on the grass.

"Hey, its okay dont worry" Will calms me down while rubbing my back. I had talked to Jeremy a couple times. I felt bad for him the children always picked on him. He did not deserve this. "Why would someone do this?!" I choke out trying not to vomit again. "I dont know but we need to head to the mess hall." Will says calmly pulling me in for a hug.

We arrive at the mess hall and i see Ziggy. I run up to her and hug her. It took her a second before she hugged me back. "Holy shit where have you been are you okay?!" She questions her face filled with worry. "Yea im fine i was with Will, are you?!" "Yea im fine i was with Nick. Wait whats that on your neck?" She asks. "Um" was all i could say before she smirks and starts laughing.
I saw everyone shutting the door which panicked me
"Wait i have to go Cindy is still out there!" I shout while heading towards the door before someone stops me. "I cant let you go out there." Will says while holding me back. "My sister is still out there!" "Me, Nick and Gary will go." He says while holding my cheek. "We will?" Gary asks concerned.

As Will, Nick and Gary go i remember we left Sheila in the bathroom.  I run out the door but Will had already left so i deside to go to the bathroom with Ziggy to find her.

We unlock it and i look around for Sheila when she grabs my hair and pulls me in the stall. "You bitch!" She screams slapping me. "Look listen to me there's a kill-" she cuts me off by punching me up the face. I then grab her by the hair and punch her knocking her clean out. Gary walks in looking confused. "What happened? I heard screaming." He asks then seeing Sheila.

We stood there for a moment before hearing ruffled screams. Ziggy opens the toilet and sticks her head in. "Cindy?!" I pull a confused face until Ziggy pulls her head out of the toilet. "Help me get them out." She commands.

We get the bucked and rope and lower it down until Alice sat on it. We were pulling it up when i hear Gary speak. "Tommy?"  I turn around to see Tommy chop off Gary's head with an axe. I scream letting go of the rope while Ziggy does the same. Tommy goes to hit me with the axe when Ziggy stabs him with something, she grabs my hand and we both run out of the toilets.

While running we bump into Nick and Will. "What are you both doing out here you were meant to wait in the mess hall?!" Nick whisper shouts. "He's here he's coming." I choke out. Will grabs my hand and starts running while Nick grabs Ziggy's.

We go back to science and nature we were all behind a bench hiding. I was between Will and Nick. Suddenly we heard a bell ring which meant we had to get on the bus. "Come on we have to go." Will says pulling me up while Nick helps Ziggy. "I cant Cindy is still out there!" I whisper yell knowing Tommy was looking for us.

"Look me and Nick have let alot of people die tonight but I'm not letting you die okay? I was thinking after all this we could.. i dont know go on a date? If you would like. We could watch movies, eat popcorn anything you want. But now we need to get on that bus" Will says tears forming in his eyes. "That sounds perfect" i smile trying to hold back my tears aswell.

We were about to go when Tommy started banging on the door. We all ducked down trying to hide. As soon as he came in he walked around looking for us. His breathing was heavy which scared me.

Everything was silent for a couple seconds. Will was squeezing my hand indicating that everything would be fine. We all hear a smash causing me to flinch. We didn't know what it was until the snake came over and went on Ziggy's lap. I held her mouth with my hand so she wouldn't scream when she got dragged by the hair. "Ziggy!" I scream hitting Tommy up the face.

He lets go of Ziggy and comes at me. I stood there frozen not knowing what to do. Before i could do anything Nick pushes me out of the way causing him to get hit on the leg. "Oh my god Nick are you okay?!" I ask feeling guilty. "Im fine just run!" He shouts. Me and Ziggy hesitate at first but then deside to run.

"Where do we go?!" Ziggy cries out. "Mess hall!"
We run to the mess hall when we see the music box and the speaker. We began to play music so Tommy Wouldn't hear us. While we were hiding i could hear tommy. He started walking away when i realised it was my chance to kill him.

I started walking behind him while Ziggy stayed hidden, when the music suddenly stopped. Tommy heard the floor board creek causing him to spin around. I didn't think twice i just stabbed him in the chest but nothing. He was fine. He grabbed me by the throat and started choking me.

I tried to fight back but i was too weak. Ziggy puts a potato bag ontop of his head. She tightens it making him let go of me. He was about to hit us with the axe when someone came behind him and stabbed him a couple times.

"Cindy! You swore!" Ziggy says suprised but breathing heavy on the floor with me. "Its becoming a habit." She sadly laughs.

(Sorry if this is bad i am not exactly the best at writing fan fiction LOL)

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