Nurse Lane goes crazy.

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Y/N's pov

Me and Ziggy we're walking to Nurse Lanes office. I zoned out for a moment thinking about random things. Y/N! Are you listening to me?!" Ziggy asked annoyed I hadn't listened to anything she had said. "Sorry i zoned out" i replied "are you okay? You look kind of pale.." she asked concerned. "Yea yea im fine dont worry about it"

We got to Nurse Lanes office as Ziggy opened the door. "Nurse Lane, helloo. Im in trouble again help" Ziggy shouts but no reply. "Nurse Lane come on i could die any minute now." "Ziggy she clearly isnt here." I say stating the obvious.

Ziggy spotted a door that was slightly opened and started walking over to it. "Nurse Lane?" I followed behind her as we started to look around the room. 

I found this book that looked like a diary, it was already open on a page that had a newspaper article ripped out and clipped onto it about her daughter Ruby Lane, on the other page there was something about a witches mark and it was drew on the page.

"Ziggy come check this out" i call over to her. "What's that?" "i have no idea."

"What are you doing?" Nurse Lane questions scaring the shit out of both me and Ziggy. "Nurse Lane you scared the shit out of us" Ziggy comments truthfully. "Are you okay?" She asked Nurse Lane as she looks a bit sweaty. "I um.." she starts while Ziggy goes to fix her hair. "Oh my goodness. Ziggy Ziggy Ziggy, what did we do now?" She asks, seeing the burn on Ziggy's arm.

We we're in a different room while Nurse Lane explained to Ziggy what she had to do so it wouldnt get infected. "Okay so you are going to apply this once a day for three days. Okay? Its going to protect against infection. She states while applying it on Ziggy. "Thats gross" she comments. "You'll survive." I zoned out again, but i was quickly brought back by Ziggy asking what the witches mark is. I stared at her in shock she would ask that because we clearly weren't meant to see it.

"You know about my daughter right? Ruby Lane" "uh i dont" Ziggy starts but gets cut off by Nurse Lane "of course you do. Everybody talks i know. tell me what do they say?" Ziggy clearly didn't know what to say so i took over. "Uh well they say she killed people at a party, seven friends" I say not really knowing if i was correct or not. "Eight. She killed herself that night too." Nurse Lane states.

"Ruby was such a sweet girl, oh and she had a sweet voice, she was in choir. She wanted to be a singer." I could have swore after Nurse Lane said that i heard singing but i was probably just hearing things. "I was so proud of her. So proud. The doctors say it was a psychotic episode." She says while wrapping Ziggys arm. "That she just snapped. The kids, the kids say Sarah Fier made her do it."

She continued to wrap Ziggys arm. "Nurse Lane thats a little tight" Ziggy says trying to get her to stop. "What do you's think?" She continues to talk about her daughter. "I dont-" she cut me off. "Because you dont go from being a sweet girl with dreams, to ripping someone's insides out with a switchblade." "Nurse Lane-" "i found people usually kill for a reason. Sometimes that reason is justified. Sometimes killing isnt murder. "Nurse lane its kind of hurting me" Ziggy said as Nurse Lane continued to wrap it tighter.

"NURSE LANE!" I shout at her making her stop wrapping Ziggy's arm. "Once a day for three days okay?" Nurse Lane told us pretending nothing just happened. We hear the bell go above the door as someone walks in we all turn around to see Cindy.

"Hi Nurse Lane" she says in her fake tone. As me and  Ziggy stand up. "Hi Cindy" she replied. "Ziggy, Y/N." Cindy says looking at us annoyed.

We walk out of Nurse Lanes office while Cindy starts to blabber on about something. "You realise what happens if you both get kicked out right?! How awful that would be for me?" "Do you know, did someone do something to Nurse Lane? Like make fun of her daughter or something?" Ziggy questions concerned for the poor lady. "Ziggy are you listening to me?!" "She was upset." I state backing Ziggy up. "I dont care.. do you not hear what I'm saying to you both?" She answers bitterly. "Loud and clear ma'am" "well clearly you dont because we have had this conversation last week and the week before that."

Cindy wasnt wrong we had been misbehaving alot recently so i dont really blame her for getting mad.

(Time jumppp)
I was in my cabin with Ziggy as we talked about random things. "I am going to get fresh air i'll be back soon." I tell her. I then go out of the cabin walking over to the lake. I desided to go for a swim so i could clear my head.

I get to the lake and slide in. At first it was cold but i started getting used to it. Before i could do anything i felt someone tap my shoulder. "Will?" I question wondering why he was in the lake. "Hey Y/N i wanted to apologise for earlier." I didnt know whether i should accept his apology or not but since he seemed like he meant it i let it slide. "Its fine honestly. Just dont do anything like that again." I tell him.

We stayed in the lake and talked for a while when we seen the police pull up. We decide to go over and see what is going on. Me and Will walk over to Nick so he could tell us what happened.

turned out Nurse Lane tried to stab Tommy, saying i was shocked would be an understatement.

"Why would she do something like that?!" I ask, she never really seemed like the type to try kill someone. "No idea she just went crazy i guess." Nick replies quickly.

Out of the corner of my eye i see Will give Nick a look but i couldn't quite catch on to what it was about. "I'm going to check on my sister and Tommy I'll talk to you both later." I say while making my way towards Cindy and Tommy.

"Hey are you both okay?" I ask hugging them both  ignoring the dirty look the police officer gave me because I interrupted his questions. "Yea we are fine just a bit shaken up." Tommy replies.

I decided to leave Tommy alone with Cindy, he did almost get killed I dont think he wants anymore people asking him questions.

(Again i am so sorry if this is bad, i have no idea what im doiiinggggg, buttt i hope you enjoy lmao)

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