First kiss

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Y/N's pov

As i was walking away from Tommy and Cindy the bell rung which meant we had to go to lunch.

As i was walking in i could instantly hear all the gossip about Nurse Lane.

"Nurse Lanes daughter killed seven people!"

"Her daughter was crazy"

"She was clearly possessed like her psycho daughter"

"Sarah Fier strikes again"

"Ugh she's completely crazy! Do you think colour war is going to be cancelled?" "But it starts tonight!"

"Shadysiders always fucking ruin everything!"

I ignore all the comments and make my way over to sit with Tommy, Cindy, Joan and Arnie. "She said one way or another i was going to die tonight" Tommy explains to the group as i sit down beside him.

"Spookyyy rahhh" Arnie uses funny gestures to annoy him. "The kiddos are right, thats totally witchy behaviour" Joan interjected.

"Its just, there must be some explanation. The witch isn't real." Cindy clarifies. "Like what?" Tommy exclaimed. "Well maybe.." Cindy starts looking at the marijuana Joan was holding. "Maybe she was on something." "Pshh drugs are peaceful. Not violent." Joan explained.

"I'm not talking about marijuana" Cindy scoffed.
"Well Cind maybe there isnt an explanation, maybe it really was just the witch." I dramatically make spooky noices with Arnie as we both laugh.

"Just admit your jealous the witch wanted your hubbie alll to herself" Arnie giggles while hugging Tommy.

"Im serious man come on! Why would Nurse Lane wanna do something like that. Wh-why would she want me dead." Tommy asks while shoving Arnie off. "Oh she wouldn't" Arnie starts looking at both me and Joan. "But the witch might" we all say at the same time laughing are asses off.

"Hey there just playing around. This was nothing i promise." Cindy says calmly. "Did you see her eyes?! I dont.. there was something in there.. something wrong."

They stared at eachother for a couple seconds until it was broke off by Kurt clapping his hands.

"Listen up! We had a scary situation earlier, but we cannot let that mess with the most important night of are summer. Tonight is Sunnyvale vs Shadyside, it is red vs blue, it is good vs evil! Tonight is colour war!! Kurt cheers.

"He might be dumb, but he's kinda shagga dun" Joan blurts out. Me and Arnie both pull disgusted faces at her comment.

"He's disgusting. Your disgusting."

"Tonights first advent is capture the flag baby! Now now now now Sunnyvale, we have never, ever lost A COLOUR WAR!" Kurt shouts while everyone in Sunnyvale cheers. "So lets not let tonight be a stain on are legacy."


"So lets go out there like are ancestors before us and murder those Shadyside witches!" Kurt howls

Joan then gets up to do her Shadyside speach. I feel a pair of eyes on me and look to see it was Will. Once he realised i caught him staring he quickly looked away.

"Uh hi, thank you Kurt for that needo speech. Now, Shadysiders lets go out there and do our best! Because even if we loose, we're still winners, in are heart! She says earning boo's from the Sunnyvalers.

"Booooooooo" the Sunnyvalers scream.


Cindy quickly walks out to go somewhere while i go to the bathroom.

As i was leaving i bump into someone. "Will! Hey" i say surprised. "Hey Y/N i wanted to say I swear i had no idea Sheila was going to do that to your cabin. I promise I wouldn't have let her if i knew." I stand there confused for a second. "My cabin? What happened to my cabin?" I panick as i rush over to it.

As i walk in i look at the walls, Sheila had wrote awful things about me and Ziggy.

Ziggy is a witch bitch

Y/N sucks cocks in hell

Ziggy and Y/N are psycho witches!

There was way more wrote but I couldn't read it all i was too mad. "Why would she do something like this!" I shreiked. It wasnt as bad for me but poor Ziggy would definitely get offended by it.

"I dont know, but i promise i had nothing to do with it." After he finished talking i pull him in for a hug. I dont know why it just felt right. In his arms i felt strangely safe in a way, but ofcourse i had to let go.

"Do you want to help me get revenge?" I ask him. It was risky asking Will but i think he can help me. "Yea sure what we're you thinking?" He smirks "how about we carrie her" i giggle

Me and Will rushed to arts and crafts and got a bucket and ropes. We then hurried to science and nature to get bugs. "Do you think this will work?" I question him. "Ofcourse it will and i know exactly how to get her where we need her." He puts a hand on my shoulder and we went to set it all up.

(Time jump)
We were in the bathroom stall waiting for Sheila to come in. I was practically on top of Will because there was barely any space in the stall.

As soon as she walked in i was about to laugh but Will puts a hand over my mouth and another on his own.

"Will we could have done this in your bunk but i guess this is kind of hot." She beamed. She walked into the stall and picked up the note.

Look up :)

-the witch

We then pulled the rope causing the bucked to tip and the bugs to go all over her. She shreiked before we locked her in and ran away.

As we sat in science and nature we decided to play a couple games before asking eachother questions. "Do Ziggy and Cindy never get along?" Will questions. "They did until my dad left. It kind of fucked up my whole family, but I wouldn't expect a Sunnyvaler to understand." I say bluntly.

"its not that easy for me and Nick either, are father chose are future for us. What if i wanna be the boy who likes board games, and likes reading and the strange girl from Shadyside."

"Um wow who is the strange girl from shadyside?" I say disappointed. I wouldn't say i have a crush on Will but apart of me wanted her to be me. "Well she has Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C eyes. She is also very pretty, and has two sisters.

For a second i actually tried thinking of someone then it hit me. Will Goode had a crush on me.

I stood there in shock until he broke the silence. "But i guess there is nothing i can do about it." "What why?" "Because what would people think of a Sunnyvaler and a Shadysider dating?" He explained. "What if it was kept a secret" i mumble but i knew he heard me. He then cupped my cheeks and pulled me in for a kiss.

It lasted a couple seconds before we started making out, and things started to get intense.

*Sorry it is quite short, please leave suggestions in the comments! It would help alot :)*

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