For Shadyside.

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Y/N's pov

Cindy pulls us both in for a hug then helping us up. "You smell like shit" Ziggy states which makes me giggle. "Yea? Thats cause im covered in it." She replies which causes me to gag. "I think you need to buy a new polo by the way." I laugh looking at all the stains.

We both giggle before Cindy starts to apologise. "I'm sorry i havent been there for you both. Not just tonight but everyday." "No no you were you just-" she cuts me off. "No I wasn't and i know that now, but from now on i will be i promise. After we get out of this place we are gonna have so much fun. We can toilet paper peoples house, anything you want. I'm not leaving your side."

I felt my eyes water a tiny bit, it felt good to finally have my sister back after all these years of her pretending to be someone who she isn't. We all go in for a hug again before getting up. We start to hear breathing coming from the part of the floor Cindy broke. I look at both of my sisters scared someone else was after us.

Cindy slowly walks over bending down before flinching. "Hey snitch" I immediately knew who it was. "What took you so long?" Cindy questions while helping her out. They look at me and Ziggy before looking back at eachother.

"You did it." Alice says not breaking eye contact with my sister once. "We did it." She says back before pulling Alice into a hug. "Okay careful! Okay? This thing is like a million years old." Alice states leaving us confused. "I bought that a month ago" Cindy says confused looking at the bag. "No not your stupid bag genius. Blood will fall, satan stone okay, it was right there. All this time burried under the moss and i found it. I fucking found it." "Found what?" "Three guesses."

We all sit down at a table while Alice puts the bag down. She then takes out a skeleton hand. We all look down at it in shock. "What? What is it?" Ziggy asks. "Its Sarah Fier's lost hand." Alice replies. "Nurse Lane, she spent her entire life looking for this. A way to stop the curse because it took her daughter." Cindy tells us. "The curse will go on until body and hand reunite." Alice states.

"We can end this. No more murders. No more pain. No more curses. We can save shadyside. Tonight."
I carefully take the hand looking at it. Ziggy beside me also examining it. My nose suddenly starts bleeding as droplets fell on the hand. I dont know what happened but suddenly i seen red.

A lady screaming.

A wall.

A book.

A tree.

A lady hanging.

A lady screaming.

Alice grabs my hand as it all suddenly stops. I was still in shock. "My nose, i bled on the hand and i think i just saw her." I breathe out. Everyone stares at me in shock and worry. "Who?" Cindy asks. "Sarah Fier." Everyone looks at eachother in worry. "She was angry." "We have to bury this thing." Alice tells us. "Right fucking now!" She says plainly.

We all nodd as Cindy goes to get something. She comes back with shovels and a knife. She hands Ziggy a shovel and gives me a knife. "Y/N you will keep lookout while we dig." Cindy states. "Sounds like a plan." I reply.

"Alright lets go." Cindy says. "What do i have to use my hands?" Alice scoffs. "What? No your staying here." Cindy replies bluntly. "Oh come on i can hop just fine." Alice shows us her hopping. Cindy shakes her head indicating no.

"I watched my dad go to jail when i was six. I watched my Mom steal so i could eat. First time i cut myself i was twelve. It was after, well you know when. And now tonight, i watched your perfect boyfriend turn into a monster and kill the only person i've ever loved. I've waited my whole fucking life for this. And now i've found it. Let me see this through. For Arnie, for Tommy, for Shadyside."

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