💛issac pt 2💛

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"Ah if it isn't my favourite sisters" Solomon said as he opened his door "good day to you too Solomon" rue said with a smile "you haven't been in any trouble now have you?" He asked me crossing his arms "no I have even did all the chores father left me to do" rue laughed causing me to look at her "the truth?" He asked in a demanding manner I held up one hand "I y/n may am telling the truth that I completed all mine and my sisters chores" I said laughing afterwards "OK girl I belive you, come in" he said moving to the side "thank you"

We sat down at his table placing the basket onto it "farther sent us to give you this and asked us to receive payment" rue said opening the basket, inside was a book, a dark book one I had never seen before at our house "payment? He never mentioned anything about payment here's a thought how about in your years to come nothing bad will ever happen to you and your family" he said but rue shook her head "I'm sorry Mr goode but father instructed us to get a payment even just a little will be fine" Solomon huffed grabbing the book "so be it, wait here" he said entering his bedroom we could here a board being lifted and and clinging of shillings (idk the currency for the 1600s💀) he entered a moment later with a small red bag "thank you we should be on our way I have to take my sister somewhere" rue said standing I followed suit "she's not returning home?" He asked looking at me for the side "no I'm taking her to issacs, he's one of my friends don't worry sir"  he turned to me "and what will you and this issac boy be doing?" He asked "sleeping" I answered grabbing the basket "are you sure because you know it's a sin to-" he started "I know, we would have to get married first and I doubt that will happen" I laughed he smiled and showed us out I waved from a distance as we left.

"Be good ill see you later at the gathering" she said kissing my cheek she left and it was just the two of us now, issac brought me to his room "I only have he one bed so we will have to share" he said fixing a few things around his room "I forgot to thank you earlier about what you said to rue I really appreciate it" I smiled sitting down on his bed "it's my pleasure what is a gathering with out you miss y/n" he said now sitting beside me on the bed "have you got a date? It's just I know Sarah and hannah are going together and rue with him" I asked and grimaced at the thought of Thomas "no I don't guess I've not really asked anyone" he said looking at me "i..I could be your date in a friend way of course!" I said going red "yeah that will be perfect can't wait to dance with you around the fire"

We made our way to the spot where the gathering would take place "y/n issac you made it" lizzie exclaimed pulling me into a hug afterwards she handed me a purple flower crown "and do I not get a crown?" Issac asked lizzie rolled her eyes before handing him a matching crown "I knew you would ask for one your a jealous child sometimes" she said making me laugh "and why are you laughing?" Issac asked me with a smile,i shook my head no trying to hold in my laughs "come let's have a drink before we dance" he said holding onto my hand, soon the others arrived and we were all drinking and having fun ir was dark out so a fire was required we were all tipsy but not to an extent where we could hurt ourselves.

I was talking with constance about the village children when I heard my name being called "what are you doing here missy?" Thomas asked from behind me "I am enjoying the evening with my friends trying to avoid you...Where's my sister?" I asked crossing my arms "she's over by the fire drunk out of her mind" he said coming closer to me I took a step back "why are you avoiding me?" He asked narrowing his eyes "because Thomas to be fair I don't like you all that much so if you would kindly leave me alone that would be appreciated" I said with a fake smile trying to go past him but he grabbed onto my wrist "I think that's not the case you see deep down you do like me and not just as a friend so come on girly let's do something about it" I scoffed trying to release my arm "you pig my sister is your soon to be wife let go before I hurt you" I warned "hey! Let go of her" another voice yelled "why should I? I know she wants to" Thomas said holding onto my waist issac grabbed onto Thomas's shoulders pulling him back "leave the girl alone your drunk" he said holding onto my hand and moving me behind him "if you say so you know where to find me if you change your mind" he winked "I'm sure I won't" i smiled. Issac called me over and we made our way into the woods laughing unbeknownst to us sarah and hannah were doing the smae thing a little away from us

"Shhh be quiet" issac laughed pulling me further into the woods "don't stray too far we might not find our way back" I also laughed as he stopped there was a large rock that we leaned upon "m'lady" he said sticking his hand out for me to take I did and he began spinning me and and dancing with me, he pulled me in by the waist and we just stared for a moment "you have enchanted me with your beauty y/n may" he said before leaning down and gently brushing his lips against mine and finally pulling me into a kiss soon the kiss got rougher and he had me pinned against the rock,it didn't hurt though, we continued to kiss for a minute or two before he placed his hand onto my thigh under my dress "don't worry I won't hurt you" he said I nodded as he got down on one knee and slowly kisses my thighs, I gasped at the impact. I  heard twigs snapping from somewhere close "did you hear that" I aksed as he stopped "what was it? It might have been a rabbit" he said standing once again with a smile he undid my lace and let the top half of my dress fall just below my shoulders "do you see how beautiful you are?" He asked kissing me once again he trailed down to my chest lightly kissing, we both heard twigs snap this time and quickly stopped "Hello?" He called out as I did the lace back up again we heard footsteps and issac came to my side holding onto my hand "issac is that you?" Someone asked issac let out a sigh of relief "sarah it's you" he said "issac what are you- is that y/n behind you?" Hannah asked "don't let your sister find out she will tease you even more for the rest of your life" sarah laughed. the four of us made our way back to the others and carried on with our evening, issac and I would occasionally lock eyes and smile at eachother who knows what else could happen when we are alone.

I'm sorry this is so long💀✋ anyhow hope you enjoyed this chapter people always get cut off when the good stuffs about to happen😂 love you and thank you❤❤❤

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