how you met

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Simon (fear street 1994)
You moved to shadyside after your parents split up, you didn't mind though you never really fit in at sunnyvale they were all perfect and girly whereas you were a fuck up and prefered dark clothing. When you moved in your neighbours came to welcome you

"y/n can you get the door please" dad yelled I groaned before getting up and making my way to the front door, I opened it and there was a family of 4 "hey there I'm Jane kalidova this is my husband chandler my eldest son Timmothy and this is my youngest simon" the lady beemed "it's lovely to meet you all" I smiled "we live just next door" Mr kalidova said sticking his hand out for me to shake "oh that's nice, how old are you?" I asked the youngest "oh um I'm 16 and you?" He asked shyly "same I can't wait to see you around school" I smiled just as my dad came to say hello to the kalidovas

Quinn (the white lotus)
Met him while on holiday but found out he is going to the same college as you (when you go back to school obviously) you two bonded so you knew one when you went into college

"We are going to have so much fun" I beamed "suddenly I'm now really excited to go to college" he smiled. The two of you enjoyed your holiday and made sure to exchange numbers you had to write yours down because quinns phone got washed away but when you guys got home and he got his new phone you would face time and text constantly

You met through fear street you were cast as emmy goode simons love interest however the two of you fell in love off screen too "hey y/n i- do you mabey want to go on a date sometime?" Fred asked as the two of you sat on his couch in his trailer "I'd really like that"

Ethan (woman in the window)
You just moved into a new apartment in the city as you are settling in and unpacking you get a knock at the door you open it to reveal a cute blonde haired boy "uh hi I'm ethan I-i live across the street" he smiled "hi I'm y/n nice to meet you" I said returning the smile "I got you this I don't know if you will like it but it's just a gift to welcome you" he said handing me a cute candle with a purple ribbon wrapped around it "thank you this will definitely be on most of the time" I said turning and putting it on my table "I was wondering if you wanted to be shown around tomorrow you know get used to the area?" He asked "that sounds good"

You two met at church when you were both forced to go as children, the two of you became friends instantly and over time developed a stronger connection when you were 17 your best friend Sarah was accused of being a witch and you would spend most of your nights at issacs for safety not because of sarah but the towns people after all sarah was your sister.

Did I miss anyone? If so let me know and I'll add them🥰 hope you enjoyed I love you goodnight❤❤❤

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