🧡fred hechinger🧡

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I sat at the edge of my bed my leg shaking, I was awaiting an email about a role I'd auditioned for, my phone dinged and I sprung up going to grab it I scrolled through the notifications when I saw one from Gmail. Nervously I tapped on it and waited for it to load "please say I got it please please PLEASE!" I repeated to myself before looking at the screen skimming through the email 'dear y/n hopper we are pleased to inform you that you have gotten the part of emmy goode-' I screamed and litteraly threw my phone across the room "holy shit!" I said kneeling down and picking it up, I read the rest of the email it said I was to go to the studio and from there we would have a meeting and meet my other cast mates (and crew can't leave those beautiful peeps out) I started packing some clothes (we are staying in a hotel at the filming location we have 3 days to pack and then we set off) I was ecstatic I messaged my besties to let them know

Y/n:guyyys ik it's too earlier but I got the part!!!
Read 10:45
Hannah:OMGGG 😩😩❤

I couldn't contain my excitement i continued packing when I got another email

            Cast & roles
Kiana maderia:deena Johnson
Olivia Scott welch: Samantha fraser
Julia rehwald:Kate schmidt
Fred hechinger: Simon kalidova
Y/n hopper: emmy goode
Benjamin flores jr:josh Johnson
Ashley zukerman:sheriff nick goode
Maya hawke: Heather (idk her last name I'm sorry💀😭)

From the scene I used in audition I was getting told off by nick (my dad) about sneaking off somewhere just from the audition script this movie trilogy seems amazing! The next day was when I would go to studio to collect information about my character and also my hotel room partner. My character was the rebellious daughter of sheriff nick goode she lived in sunny Vale but would often cross over to shadyside to see her bestfriends simon Kate deena & josh she belives in the witch and prays her friends don't get captured by the curse, but what happens when one does?

This is sort of an introduction to the Fred part so uh yeah can't wait to write more but as of now ima go to bed😂😩bye lovely humans ❤❤❤❤

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