Chapter 14

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"HELLO CHAT! As you can see, not the usual. I am here with Wilbur, Y/n, Jack, Ranboo and Tubbo to play a game on stream. This may be a long stream, or a short stream, all depending on how good of seekers you guys are." Tommy introduces and begins to explain to the camera of his phone, "The main aim for you viewers is to find and tag one of us, ending the stream. We will be able to run away if one of you are able to find us, but not out of the area in which we are streaming at now. Every 10 minutes we also will give you another clue as to where we are, so I guess, for now, we will just wait."

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ TIME SKIP

"Fuck, there is a fan over there." I say, pointing to a tall guy wearing Wilbur merch, "They are looking around for us, try and hide!" Tommy puts his face close to the camera, making sure to not let the stream see where we were hiding as the fan was probably watching the stream still. Me, Ranboo and Tommy all his behind one of the Lion statues as the others hid behind another one.

Ranboo was crouched towards the edge, peaking round the stone wall and making sure the fan wasn't near us whilst me and Tommy were whispering into the phone. I leant into the view of the camera, not realising how close my face was to Tommy's until turning and looking at his flustered expression and pink-tinted cheeks.

"The British whether is making you cold?" I question to him in a small whisper, the phone probably still able to hear. He nods his head and quickly turns away, trying to hide the small smile that had began to appear on his face.

I shrugged it off and scrambled to where Ranboo was now sitting on his phone, quickly checking behind the wall, just in case.

"I think we can move now, I don't see anybody." I say in a normal voice now, beginning to stand up. Before I was able to straighten my legs, I felt a tight grip around my wrist, pulling me back down. I look back to see it was Ranboo.

" I should go first, I am way more faster and can run away a lot easier." He says, in a joking manner. I roll my eyes and stand up anyway, pulling both Tommy and him up with me. We began to head towards the statue that Jack, Wilbur and Tubbo were hiding behind and I took the phone, showing the stream Ranboo and Tommy arguing over the camera that we were recording for a video on YouTube. In the end, Wilbur just took the camera and gave it to me, swapping the phone for it so he could take over the stream.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ TIME SKIP ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ TOMMY'S POV

Unfortunately, the stream had ended from somebody tagging Tubbo when he wasn't looking. By that time, we had already given out 3 clues and were about 35 minutes in, so it was getting a bit dark anyway.

We were all now huddled in the corner of the train, talking and waiting until we reached our stop to get back to the hotel. Tubbo had wanted to play Truth or Dare to pass time and everyone agreed, except for Y/n, who just stayed out and talked to Jack whilst we played.

"Umm okay. Wilbur, Truth or Dare?" Toby asked, us all turning our heads towards him, "Dare." Will replied with a smirk. He seemed happy to play this childish game for some reason, I wasn't much a fan but it was interesting enough to choose instead of just talking.

"I dare you to tweet, Tommyinnit is not a child and is the biggest and bestest man!" I suggested since nobody else came forward. Wilbur rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone, we all quickly huffed around him, watching over his shoulder to see what he was typing. After a minute or so, a few dings came from our group's phones followed by a chorus of chuckles.

"Haha! Okay, uhh. Tommy! Truth or Dare?" Wilbur asked, breaking the silence after the laughter died down.

"Hmmm. I will go with...Truth." I replied after thinking for a moment. In my head, I was hoping that they would avoid the one question I didn't want asking, which I knew was most likely going to be asked anyway.

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