[A World Of Waste]

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"200 years ago, we humans use to live on a planet. We ruled the land, using the resources we were given on the lands. There was this body of water that covered almost the entire planet-which is also the reason why they called it "The Water Planet"-But the water was too salty for us to drink. Its called an Ocean, In the Ocean we had creatures called fish. My best Friend used to study these critters...He liked the Ocean a lot"

"what Happend to your best friend?"

"he...uh..sadly He didnt make it on the ship.."

"oh..He sounded pretty cool Im sorry.."

"no no its okay! He would be mad at me for being sad, so I have to keep moving with the fighting spirt he said I had!"

The Group heard the bells go off from the speakers. Ollie stood up "looks like thats all I can tell you for now guys.."

"awwwww okayyy, please tell us more when you get back!"

"And I will!! Im gonna miss you guys!!"

"Good luckkkkk"

Ollie ran down the metallic hallways excitedly, Today is the day. She gets to go down at earth for reaserch but she needs to be given a Scientist resercher.

Ollie gets to her dorm and puts her uniform on quickly as she can. Then she ran down the hall once again making it to the lab. She scanned her key card as the door opened to let her in.

"Ah Ollie Wells! We almost thought you wouldnt make it!"

Ollie laughs nervously

"HAhaha no no! I wouldnt miss it for the world!!" ]

"as we thought as well I swear!" The captian laughed

"anyway! You ready to be paired with the scientist, then both of you-"

"get suited up then get launched out?"

"correctamundo! Bring him in!"

"yes sir! Daiki! You can come in now!"

"Wait daiki?-"

A tired man with long Dark hair and some eye bags comes in with his backpack. He reconises Ollie "HEY I KNOW YOU"


They bicker at eachother.

"Daiki here is one of the best scientis we have here"


"Ollie here is one of the best soldiers here, so therefore. You two will have to get along soon during the trip"

The two sighed and nod defeted "Hes the boss" Daiki said scratching the back of his neck.

"Now, your suits are in the other room, Get suited up while we get the ship ready"

"Yes sir" The two say mimicly.

Once the two were ready, they put thier backpacks in first and then gets in the ship "Ooo actually I imagined it smaller"

"same here..."

"We are launching in 10 seconds" "WAIT NOW??" Ollie said trying to buckle up fast as she can, Daiki did the same "That was fast-" The two suddenly felt a jerck, only seeing the dark abis of space "THAT WAS LESS THAN 10 SEcONDS" "WHAT-"

(meanwhile the station) "....we JUST put the ten seconds warning Ben.." "Oh shit my bad-" "eeehhhh too late now"

The two went full speed to the planet that was once called earth, But the ship didnt slow down as it hit the atmosphere "OOOOOHHHHH TAKE COVER" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

The ground only grew closer and closer until they hit, dragging through the dirt then hit a big tree. Finally..no more moving. They landed in a forest, by the mountains, so a pine forest.

The world Of wasteWhere stories live. Discover now