[A New Member To The Group]

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Damien was making breakfast in the kitchen. obviously he had a gas powered stove. Electric stoves are rare these days to get working. they are getting closer to getting it working again. damien was cooking bacon and eggs.

Ollie was the first to get up as she walks to the kitchen drooling at the sweet smell of breakfast "mmmm morning bro.."

"morning homie"

"How do you have bacon and eggs here?"

"They are a bit different, They taste simulare to normal chicken but these eggs are from Gonillos" "The what" "Another creature that is like a mutated chicken. They are friendly, and can be used as transportation."

"What about the bacon..?" "we get these from the same...pigs, some animales are the same just looks a bit different. Like pigs have spines now."

"why does everything have spines.." "Im still researching that in my book"

"the one on your desk in your room...The really really messy one??" "yeah....."

later then Damien serves plates. Ollie began to eat, enjoying the flavor.

"Where is daiki...?" "hes probably still sleeping, why? Your gay ass self like him or something?~" Ollie teased as Damien blused "Hes attractive not going to lie but uh, still, He is a scientist...I still have a bad past with them so it will take me awhile to fully trust him or something" "but you didnt deny ittttt" "deny what" "that you like hiiimmm"

"oh stop it bro your 21 you should be grown up now" "hahahahahah neeevverrrr"

"heh whatever bruh, Imma go wake him up"

Damien said as he went down the hall to the guest bedroom.

He opened the door with a soft knock. He then saw the tall male sleeping peacfully in the bed. snoring slightly. Damien stared a little, spacing out. Then snapped out of it, almost forgetting what he came there for. Then he remembered what he was gonna do.

He shook him gently. He groaned sofly tiredly and turned away from him. Damien sighed and shook him harder "wake uppppppppp" "five more minutes" he mumbled

"your gonna miss all the reasearch about the food I just made-" Daiki shot up and lost his balance falling off the bed "WHY DIDNT YOU SAY SO?!?!-". Thankfully Damien was there to catch him before his face hit the floor. He sighed "you really are a dork" He said picking him up bridal style then putting him down to sit on the bed.

Daiki. NOw Daiki was beet red. He was still trying to process what in the actual fuck just happened.

Damien, who know realized what he did, made him blush a deep red as they just stared at eachother. He covered his face and turned towards the door "y-your breakfast is on the table"

Daiki nods "t-t-thanks..." "not a p-problem" He said leaving back to the kitchen to make something for himself. Not long after Daiki came to join at the table to eat.

It was quiet. Ollie was confused about it "uhhh waht happened to you two, your both red and silent-NO" Damien glared at Ollie and shook his head "no...?" He shook his head. they both had a mental face expression conversation. Translation: "did you two kiss or something" "No he fell and i caught him and set him back down then it got awkward" "ahhhhh the beginning of love" "fuck you bro" "fuck you." Translation done.

"okay what was that???"

Ollie raised a brow "what was what?"

"The facial expressions!! you two looked like you had a conversaiton?!?

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