[I remember you!]

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(Damien sniffs the air after hearing a whole avalanche goes down and yelling. "since when did humans come here...They would never have a chance") that's what he thought as he was staring at the sleeping two humans under a rock with a disappointed look on his face.

"That..is interesting..." It is early in the morning as he snoops at the twos stuff, being careful not to hit his horns on the rock...still not used to it. no matter how long its been.

he looks at the technology they had in their bags. "no way.." He whispered "these cant be the Fallen Angels...Wonder what ship they came from.." He said putting the stuff back in. then he heard a groan "who...Hey..HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH OUR STUFF" Ollie woke up getting up fast. "AAAA" was all he said terrified falling and trying to stumble back to his feet attempting to run away "I WAS JUST LOOKING TO SEE-AAAA" Ollie attacked him holding him down by the horn on the ground. During this Daiki wakes up finally "Huh HUH WHAT IS GOING ON"

Ollie kept Damien on the ground "THIS GUY...Who has...horns? what the-WHATEVER HE WAS GONNA STEAL OUR STUFF" "what?! No! I wasn't stealing!" "then what were you doing??" "I was looking! I didn't think you would survive a day here but you did when i sniffed you out and I wanted to see what type of people you are-" He explained "NOw please let me go!! YOUR HURTING MY TAIL AND HORN" Ollie let him go "sorry...but that makes sense now thank you...But the moment I find out that you are.." Damien stands up dusting off as Ollie gets a better look of him "you..."


Damien cowers against a tree "s-s-s-s-scientist...." "the horns the hooves and look at those ears!" He said writing this down like a child. (right...he never seen a half blood before..) damien thought then looked at Ollie while Daiki was writing info.

Ollie looks back. They stared at each other for a good minute.

Daiki was confused "uhhhhh why are you two staring at each other-"

"Damien...?" "how do you...Ollie? Ollie's eyes widen "how....how did you" Damien jumped in hugging Ollie liked his life depend on it. In a matter of seconds Ollie hugs back "I thought you died..." Ollie said with tears. Daiki stood there awkwardly "wait this is the best friend you where talking about??-"

"Of course Im...alive..I thought I would never see you again-" Damien said letting her go, also tearing up. "guys" "but how did you survive" Damien shivered on that topic "GUYS" The two turned to Daiki. "The real questions are. Its been 200 years. were you frozen? And why do you have those animal features" Damien shivered at the topic but was confused at the frozen part. "you guys were frozen?-Never mind I got to get you out of here!" Ollie had many questions "what why???" "This place inst safe, This is the wrong forest, But don't worry! I know a place" "And how can we trust you, not being a betray to people like us?" "yeah..." "bc Im on my own, I left the tribe for half breeds like me, and there is no people like you. ILL EXPLAIN LATER COME ON" he said running off. The two look at each other for a moment and nodded following him.

He led them into a well with a sign that said 'Telfus City' On it. He stood on the top "get in"

Daiki and Ollie was confused "isn't that a well for a city?" Ollie asked "Nope its a secret entry, get in Ill meet you there" He said jumping in the well full of water. Daiki shrugged and jumped in. Ollie joined after (I mean the point to this job is to explore right...?) she swam down the well holding her breath as long as she could. then fell down a mini waterfall after getting in a reasonable hole for a person to fit in. then she fell in the mini pool of water seeing daiki standing looking around in amazement. Ollie looks around too "whoa....Is this a..." "temple? Kind of but it goes somewhere, you fallen angels are here to explore no?"

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