[Day One, the rest of my life to go]

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Ollie kicks the door open feeling the cold breeze hit her. she takes a deep breath. "huh...the air smells and feels fresher than the last time Ive been here..." daiki gets out looking around "You...You remember?...being here I mean?"

Ollie turns to look at him "I remember everything."

Daiki sighed "Thats insane...A-anyway, lets go!" he said, still having questions. Ollie nods and follows. He looks around writing down and sketching the small plants and trees "now that I know you remember everything, this could be very helpful.." "It can" "tell me, did the trees and grass looked this way?" Ollie looked around examining everything "yes actually...its almost nothing changed-wait" "interesting...what?" "what is that?" she pointed at the snail with spines on its shell moving slowly down the tree trunk. looks like its enjoying the sap that the tree releses. "was that not there before?" "no...well yes...just without those spines...and..pink slime it releases.." "interesting! I like this place already!" a low growl was heard at the distance "what might that be..?" Daiki said confused looking around "I dont know...but it doesnt sound friendly.." The growling continued getting louder by the second. "okay we saw this place. now its time to run" Ollie said grabbing his arm and running

Daiki was techneclly being dragged through the forest "HEY SLOW DOWN-" he then saw the dark huge beast chasing behind them "KEEP GOING DONT SLOW DOWN ITS RIGHT BEHIND USSSS" He said in a panicking manner. "WHAT THE HELL IS IT?1?!" "I HAVE NO IDEA IT LOOKS SCARY THOUGH" Ollie kept running then thought of an idea, "MAKE NOISE" "WHAT WHY?" "SCREAM OR SOMETING WE ARE ON A MOUNTAIN" 'WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH IT-" and by yelling so much a loud rumbling was getting louder. Daiki looks behind him seeing a huge sheet of snow falling down this mountain, taking down the creature and drowning it in a second. "OHH MY GO-" He was then pulled by the side under a huge rock protecting the two from the avalolanch that was just made.

"w-w-w-w-what was that?!?!" he whispered shouted "and this is exactly why I was choosen as the best solier" "OK Great! But what the hell was that??!" "that was an avalanch, there is snow at the top of the mountain, and if you make too much noise it will cause an echo and that echo hits the snow, causing it to fall and sllid down this mountain, I remember that." Daiki scribbled the info he was just told into his book "Thats insane!" "Now what did that creature look like" "I have it drawn here" "how did you even-" "dont ask"

He showed a rough picture of a a bear looking thing with back legs of a goat and antlers. "that almost looks like a bear...but...mutated.." "huh....well now we know that its dangerous" "haha...yeah..strange to see a black bear attack...usually we just scare them away...damn.."

"we should camp here for the night..yeah we should, damn its already dark, how long have we been here..." "I dont know anymore..but your right we should camp"

once the fire was made the two sit and think. It was silent...and a bit peacful.

"so...question.." daiki said, breaking the silence. "hm?" "If you rememberd everything..did you remember the.." "evacuation?...yeah. I did." "oh...thats...thats terriable Im sorry" "its okay. You deserve to know, since we have to get along and know eachother." "did your family make it?" Ollie shook her head "not even my best friend...and he did his best to keep up.."

[Flash back]

(Ollies POV)

I ran and ran and ran until my lungs were burning. Tears blocking my vision, The world was coming to a end. I lost my family on the way...All because of the stupid earth sudden shiffting...sink holes and clifs..flooding...this is the end. Damien ran behind me keeping up, We are almost there."BRO I CAN SEE THE SHIP FROM HERE!!" "FINALLY I DONT KNOW HOW MUCH...HOW MUCH LONGER I CAN KEEP RUNNING" "WE ARE GONNA MAKE IT BRO WE ARE....BRO?" I look back seeing he isnt there anymore, I was so close to the ship, All I had to do is run. I see in the distand a huge explosion coming towards us. I see Damien in a newly made sinkhole holding on to the edge "BRO!?!" "KEEP RUNNING BRO JUST GO" "I CANT LEAVE YOU HERE" I say this as I try to go past the people running to the ship "GO" He said as the explosion got closer. I cry as I was pulled Into the ship. First my mom. my dad. my sisters..everyone was taken from me..now my best friend.

[end of flash back] (lol sounds like a classic fanfic Im so sorry lmao)

Daiki sighed "Im sorry that happened. and you have to remember that.." "Its fine, Builts character I must say haha" "yeah..I was told my mom didnt make it ether..but I dont remember it at all.." "must be sad news.." "yeah but I still didnt remember anything..not even now" "Sorry" "Its okay...well...lets get to bed then yeah?" "yeah, we have a long day tomorrow.."

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