[testing and feelings]

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Damien saw Ollie and Kaitol leave the apartment heading downtown. "And that looks like they are going to have a date"

"yeah. makes sense. anyway focus I need to test your speed" Daiki said taking out a timer. then there where two different distance.

"ready? set...go" daiki said as Damien ran the long disstance as fast as he can.

"10.5 seconds for 3 yards...defenently not human" He said writing it down. Damien came back "how was that" "half than an avrage human"

"whats the avrage human...?"

"around 20 or 30 seconds..."

"huh gues not that bad."

Daiki puts a mesuring tap pole by Damien "allright jump high as you can" he said as Damien obeyed and jumped high as he can, he went a bit higher then the max. "how" "my legs. they are different than yours weak ones"

"haha very funny" He said writing it down.

For faster results they did all the physical exersises. they were back at the apartment. Damien sat on his bed as Daiki went over his notes then chuckled. Damien was confused "this is the part when See you visural traits." Damien nods "okay go ahead, if its personal. ask." he said with a shrug. Daiki nodded "noted. kay Im going to examin your horns since its the first thing you would look at..." He said looking at them closely. "may I touch them?" Damien nods "go right ahead dude. but dont make it gay" He joked as Daiki chuckled "Ill make it gay as much as I want!" He said laughing. He stroked the horn feeling the texture and strangth of it "can you feel me touching ((Im sorry this feels slightly sexual, It might be a bit sexual but really again its just testing))

Damien nods a bit hesiently "kinda, my horns arent very sesitive-AAAAA" Daiki nods as he gripped his horns roughly. Damien gasps and went to a sudden panic having flashbacks and heatbutted him across the room, making Daiki let go out of shock "OH SHIET-". He breaths sharply in panic as Daiki caught his breath that was taken from him. The wind was knocked out of him. Daiki as confused he is he apoligized "ah! Im sorry did that hurt??" he said getting back up to his feet looking around at the now messy room. Damien was at the otherside of the bed standing. He shook his head "n-no I thought...sorry I thought you were gonna hurt me or something.." He said his head tilting and twitching a little as he tried to calm down "you scared me is all-" Daiki sighed coming closer slowly "well I am not going to hurt you...did someone did in the past or something..?" Damien nods "yeah but again I dont like talking about it...sorry we can continue." "ok okok only if you want to, but whats with the head twitching?"

Damien shrugged "I still never know, someone told me it would be called tics, but my research didnt match on how I might feel. I didnt feel like going to the doctor to check it out. I can live with it, anyway continue. Now that I know you are for sure you wont hurt me.."

Daiki nodded "right! just asking, anyway sit down Im going to check your ears if that would be okay...?" "yeah thats cool with me"

Damien says as he sat down on the bed by him, things calming down. Daiking touches his ears "Huh thicker than I thought" He said stroking them. Damien shuts his eyes nodding as he purred a little. "Huh..you like this?" He questions. Damien nodded "Its like a head scratch where you are at rn" Daiki chuckled "never heard a ram purr" he said moving in different places of the ears as Damien blushed at a random thought. (Its strange how close he is...and how THE FACT HE IS LITERALLY TOUCHING ME WTF) He thought (hes very close-) Daiki thought (focus..)

Daiki looks at his teeth. "how do you have canines??"

"too tell you the truth, I have no Idea. and another truth, Im an expierement I dont know what they were thinking?" Damien confessed as a joke

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