birthday bash

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eviehernandez come and play with us, Danny

jordanbaker not the creepy twins from The Shining...🧍🏽‍♂️

    →eviehernandez you cute are we?!

champagnericky i hate you guys😭

livbaker cute are we?! 😩


The day of Enrique and Evelyn's birthday was Halloween. The twins were known for throwing the best party every year. But, before the party could even happen they went about the day as normal as possible and spent the day with their parents, younger brother, and their abuelita.

"My babies!" Jennifer squealed running up to her two kids who had woken up and descended down the steps. "Oh, you two are so old...Stop growing. Please?"

"Mom," they groaned, feeling her pinch their cheeks like she used to when they were younger.

"What? Your mother can't be sad about her oldest kids growing up?" Joaquin asked walking into the kitchen with Alejandro on his shoulders carrying an assortment of balloons.

"Happy Birthday Peppa and Ricky!" Alejandro yelled.

Evelyn raised her eyebrow at him. "Peppa?"

"Yeah," he nodded, getting placed onto the floor and clinging to his older sister's leg. "You're like, Peppa Pig and I'm George!"

"What am I?" Enrique asked.

"You're Ricky, duh," Alejandro said.

"Okay, everyone go sit at the table outside," Jennifer instructed. "We're having family brunch. Abuelita should be here soon."

The family retreated out to the backyard and sat by the pool. Breakfast wasn't usually catered and brought to them by chefs. But, when it came to birthdays, no expense was spared for their kids. There was a spread of eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, fruit, and even more food for just the small family of five plus their grandma.

"Everyone keep your pants on. Your favorite vieja has arrived!" Martina exclaimed, walking out to the backyard.

"You're late, Martina," Joaquin told her. "We're basically done with breakfast."

"I'm late but I brought my grandkids expensive gifts," she said, placing two neatly wrapped boxes in front of them. "Joaquin, you are one huge pain in my ass."

"Mom!" Jennifer yelled.

Martina shrugged throwing her freshly blow-dried and dyed hair over her shoulder. "I only tell the truth, sorry mija. Plus, I had an appointment at the salon. What was I gonna do? Cancel? No way!"

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