brotherly advice

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Much to Enrique's dismay, their parents had found out about his partying ways and him encouraging Jordan in guilting his father into ending their football practice early. Jennifer and Joaquin had once again taken his phone and grounded him with the exception of him only being allowed out to hang out with his sister or if his younger brother asked him to take him somewhere.

"So, what's going on with you and Asher?" Enrique asked sitting across from his sister at the cafe.

"Nothing," Evelyn answered, rolling her eyes. "We kind of ended things? It's not like we were ever...anything. So there wasn't much to end. If that makes sense."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Well, seeing as I don't have a phone anymore and our parents will only let me go out if it's with you. Explain. I have all the time in the world. Literally"

"Okay, lately, Asher's been super sweet. He walked me to my car the day we came back from winter break, then he asked me if I wanted to get a coffee with him which I obviously said yes to. The other day he pulled up to my practice and brought me a protein shake and then a couple of days later he asked me if I wanted to hang at the cafe," she sighed, rubbing her temples. "Which was more like me standing there in silence with you guys. Then I walked away to get a drink and he followed me and said that Jordan was getting into his head about us. So, I said I'll make it easier for him and I walked away."

"Oh, God," Enrique groaned, clutching his head. "That was a lot to process. Okay. Let me get this straight, Asher's insecure because you and Jordan were in a relationship for a year and he still wants you back. So, your response to that was telling him goodbye. Eres un idiota, Evie!"

"Well, when you put it like that it sounds bad!" she argued. "In my defense, I thought when he asked to hang out it would be as a date. Not with his bros. But, according to him, he thought it'd be less pressure which was stupid because we barely even talked!"

"Look, I hate to be super involved in my sister's love life but, I literally have nothing better to do," he sighed. "Asher's super intimidated by Jordan. He knows how bad Jordan wants you back and all that shit is getting to his head. Plus, you guys literally dated for a whole ass year and there was that moment where you weren't sure if you wanted to get back with him or not. But, whatever, you just need to reassure him that you have no intention of getting back together with Jordan. Unless you do then I don't know what the hell to tell you."

"Or maybe he won't care," she scoffed, watching Liv and Asher walk through the door together and sit with his mom, Gwen at a table. "I didn't even know he was talking to his mom."

"Maybe she's just there to support him. Asher's mom's been gone for a year," he pointed out. "And Liv's been helping him and his dad lately. He probably didn't want to bother you."

"It's been one day," she deadpanned. "Liv's single now and she doesn't have to worry about Chris's feelings. Maybe she's finally going after who she wants. I don't want to pull a Layla and just steal the guy she likes away from her."

"Does Liv even know you're into Asher?" he questioned.

She shook her head in response. "No, I never told her."

"Here's a bright idea, stupid!" he exclaimed, thumping his sister on the forehead. "Tell her. She'll back off."

"No, Liv doesn't deserve that," her lingering eye contact on the two, causing Asher to turn around and widen his eyes. "Oh, shit! He just caught me looking at them."

He chuckled. "Maybe because you keep staring like a loser."

"What do I do now, Ricky?" she whined. "They caught me staring!"

"I could care less about what you do," he grumbled, holding his hand out. "Will you please let me log into my Snapchat? I'm having withdrawals."

"Make it quick," Evelyn mumbled, eyeing Liv comfort Asher. "I want to leave. ASAP."

"Yikes," Enrique whispered turning around. "I tried to give you some brotherly advice...But, uh, you can forget it."

loosely based on 2x04

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