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The following morning after the explosive homecoming was far from what Evelyn expected. The girl woke up extremely confused as to why she was on a bench next to an extremely hungover Asher and then memories of last night had flooded in. Her breakup with Jordan, his admittance of cheating, and the text she sent to Asher asking to apologize resulting in them driving up to the viewpoint where they had a small chat.

After waking Asher up, she had driven him over to his house in silence, neither of them wanting to talk about the events of last night, and then proceeded home. Evelyn had planned on not telling anyone what happened between her and Jordan until after the homecoming game. One, because she was still coming to terms with it, and two, because she knew that Enrique would kill him and she didn't want the two to fall out over her. Especially during such an important game.

"Where did you go after the dance?" Enrique asked, plopping down on his sister's bed. "I covered for you with dad. You're welcome."

"Um, hello to you, too," Evelyn mumbled lifting her blankets from her face. "Go away, Ricky. I don't feel good."

"What's wrong?" he asked. "I'm gonna keep bothering you. Was it something with Jordan because you know damn well I'll—"

"Yes, Enrique, I know," she sighed. "You'll happily kick his ass if anything happened. But, I promise I'm fine."

"So, what's going on, Evie. No offense but, you look terrible," he scoffed.

"You say the sweetest things," she huffed, sitting up in her bed and glaring at her brother. "I'm just sick. I'm probably hungover or something. I don't know."

"Liar," he mumbled. "Hey, were you there for Asher's little speech?"

"No," she said, laying back down in her bed. "What'd he do?"

Enrique whipped his phone out tapping on someone's Instagram story. "Why tell you when I can show you?"

"Oh, Asher," Evelyn sighed, shaking her head at the video. "He's a mess."

"Yeah, that's one way to put it," he scoffed. "Dumbass is suspended from one of the most important games of the season."

"Cut him some slack. He just found out his girlfriend cheated on him," she hissed. "I'd probably do the same."

"You're scary when you're moody," Enrique said, standing up from her bed. "I guess, I'll leave you alone. Don't be late for the game."

"I'll do whatever I want," she grumbled shoving her head under her pillow.

Evelyn had spent the remainder of her day in bed. She had her music playing super loudly through the speakers of her room and tried her best to drown out the sounds of her cries. She was a complete wreck, and was upset that Jordan hadn't even bother to reach out to her after last night there were no calls, no texts, and not even a voicemail. When it came to football games Evelyn always wore Jordan's old jersey he gave her on their first date. But, tonight was different, she had went into her brother's room and stole his jersey, deciding on wanting to support him instead of her cheating ex-boyfriend.

She made sure not to be on time to the game and instead showed up about halfway through the first quarter. Liv had noticed the girl walking up the bleachers and waved her over but the gesture was ignored when she walked right past her and over to Asher.

"Hey," he mumbled.

"Hey, sorry," she sighed. "I just haven't told anyone what happened...and you're kind of here all by yourself. Seemed like the most logical thing to do."

"I don't mind," Asher told her, eyeing her outfit. "Nice jersey."

"Thought I'd support my twin for once," she said, looking out at the field and over to the Malibu cheerleaders. "Which one is she?"

"Huh?" he said, following her line of sight and eventually pointing her out. "Oh...that one over there."

Evelyn's mood had shifted severely and she suddenly got insecure. "She's gorgeous. Taller than me, a cheerleader, and she's skinny. Of course, he cheated with her."

"Don't let her get to you. You're literally an athlete...a great one," Asher scoffed, shaking his head. "In a room full of Ripley's, you win."

"Thank you," she whispered, moving her eyes onto the field. The two sat through the rest of the first half and watched as Malibu basically kicked Beverly's ass. Every move they made, Malibu outsmarted them. "Is it just me or do they know our moves before we do anything?" she wondered, watching the boy's run back into the locker room.

Asher had suddenly got fidgety, and started fiddling with the strings of his hoodie. "I mean, I guess."

Evelyn shrugged not really caring too much about the game as she looked out at the field just in time for the second half. Things seemed to be going much better this time around. Beverly had seemed to come up with some new plays with the help of Spencer's former teammate, Chris. As she continued to watch the game she noticed a certain interaction between Asher and a player from Malibu.

"What was that?" she asked, turning her head to squint at Asher.

"What was what?" he retorted.

"I saw that little interaction between you and number 99 on Malibu. So, unless, he was really looking forward to personally kicking your ass on the field...You did something," she hummed.

"I messed up," he simply said.

Evelyn nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Ash. You did."


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