abuelita & her big mouth

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*trigger warning: some talk about domestic violence. if that topic makes you uncomfortable feel free to skip it.*

It had been one week since the twins and their parents had spoken any words to each other. The silence in the house making the youngest child cry out in confusion as to why nobody was speaking. Within that week, Spencer's father had passed.

Enrique and Evelyn had managed to sneak past their parents and out to the driveway to get into her car. She pulled up to the small house in Crenshaw with her brother trailing behind her with flowers in his hand and Evelyn who had a tray of freshly baked brownies from a small bakery and brought her fist up to knock on the door.

Ms. James opened the door to the two. "Evelyn, Enrique, what are you two doing here?"

"We're here to see Spencer and Dillon," Enrique answered. "And these are for you. I didn't really know what to bring. So, I brought flowers."

"Come inside," she urged, taking the flowers from his hand. "Thank you, Enrique."

The boy gave her a flirtatious grin. "Anything for you, Ms. James."

"Now, is not the time to be gross," his sister whispered, nudging him harshly in the ribs. "Behave, dumbass."

The door to Spencer's room slid open as he peeked his head out. "Hey, what are y'all doing here?"

"We're here to check on you and Dillon," Evelyn told him. "We brought you brownies."

"Thank you," Spencer sighed, as he pulled the girl in for a hug and then turned towards her brother giving him a handshake.

Enrique released from the handshake. "How are you holding up, man?"

"Just doing my best to keep my head up," Spencer responded.

"And Dillon?" Evelyn asked.

"I heard my name," Dillon smiled, peeking his head from the kitchen and walking out with Darnell. "What's the prettiest girl in the world doing here?"

"We came to check up on you two," Evelyn said. Her eyes darting over to Darnell and correcting her statement. "On you three. Sorry."

Dillon shrugged, holding his arms out. "I'd feel a lot better if I had a hug."

"Nice try," she giggled, holding her hand out to the taller boy next to him. "I'm Evelyn, it's nice to meet you."

"I know," Darnell smiled faintly. "Spencer mentioned you before. You're a lot prettier than what he described."

A hint of red formed on her cheeks, Darnell was incredibly attractive and there was definitely no denying that but she and Asher were finally getting on track and she didn't want to ruin that. No matter, how hot Darnell looked. So, she simply brushed the compliment off.

"Alright, now that I'm officially grossed out," Enrique groaned. "We're gonna get out of here. Catch you guys later."

"Bye," Evelyn waved at the four, before walking out of the door. "Hey, Ricky, you know where we should go?"

"Back inside, so you can flirt with that boy?" he retorted.

"No, stupid," she hissed. "It's been two weeks and mom and dad still haven't said anything. If we want answers we should go to grandma's."

"Abuelita?" he nodded in agreement. "Let's go."


"Abuelita!" Evelyn called out, opening the door to her grandmother's condo in Beverly Hills. "We know you're here!"

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