Save his life

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Finally I was able to kick out the windshield i climb through quickly try not to hurt myself. There was smoke and cars stopped but all I cared was trying to get that person out of the burning car. I ran to the car and bashed the windshield in, I started taking of my jacket so I wouldn't cut myself on the glass. I see a young man probably the age of 20 year old with blood running down the side of his head. He was unconscious I climbed in unbuckled the seatbelt. I picked him up slowly so he wouldn't be in more pain, I threw my jacket over my head and his and climbed back out of the car. Which was smoking a lot of now. I picked him up and ran away from the burning car I set him on the ground and trying to keep him alive. I put my jacket on his bloody side wound which he had also. His eyes opened open to see piercing green eyes. I put pressure on his wound to try to stop the bleeding. DAMN. where are the Paramedics. "You are going to be okay. You are going to survive just breath just breath. Focus on me look at me."I spoke to him softly. "Ow it hurts hurts "he spoke with pain in his eyes. He kept looking at my face in my bright blue eyes. He started to blackout again. Finally the paramedics arrived. They ran to be and put the young man on the stretcher. Rushing him to the Ambulance. "Can I go?" I pleaded. "Fine"the women spoke. I climbed in to the back.They put a air mask on him so he can breath trying to save his life. I am sitting in here holding this man's hand trying to get my shit together. Then I here...
OHHHHHH mystery! I hope you guys like it please like and comment if you do. Remember this is my first so it is going to be bad😂
but be happy! SMILIE

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