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It has never been easy to break the news of the death of a loved one. Especially when it was someone you're close with. It breaks you down from the inside out, chipping your very being little by little.

Then, grief strikes.

You pretend that you're okay when you're not. You pretend that they're still there when they're gone. You get uncontrollably angry at even the littlest things that normally doesn't bother you. You try to give up something to get what can't be brought back. The things that you used to like doesn't seem to make you happy anymore, the simplest task you can't even do, the sleeping in and restless nights, escapism.

Grief never treats someone well. Grief is a bitch. Fuck grief.

But at the end of it all, acceptance arrives. Be it sooner or later, it will eventually arrive, only if you want it to. If you want to get better then strive to be better. The only way you heal, is if you heal yourself. The grief may have struck you because of an outside factor, but even then, the pain is inside of you. Whether you choose it to overtake you or not is your choice.

But don't do your healing all by yourself. Yes, you can heal by yourself if you want to, but you need to allow other people to help you too. You can't do everything by yourself without everything eventually crumbling down again, making you start from scratch. Please, don't do that. It'll only make you lonelier.

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