10. The Case of the Cheeto Theif

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"Did you eat the last of my cheetos?" Raphael roared from inside the kitchen.

Mikey stopped mid-crunch and his two other brothers exchanged a glance, knowing if Raph came in here Mikey would he caught red-handed. Or maybe caught....orange-fingered?

Before Mikey could think of a clever way to escape his fate, Raphael stormed into the living room and started shouting, "Why, you-"

Before Raph could get his hands on the youngest turtle, Leo jumped up and heroically got in the way of Raphael and Mikey. "Hey, we can always get more cheetos, it's really not worth shouting over."

Raphael looked Leonardo dead in the eye and squinted angrily. "But those were my cheetos."

Mikey stepped to the side and quietly handed the half empty bag to Raphael. "Theres still some left," he squeaked. Raph snatched the bag from Mikey's hands and stormed back into the kitchen. Mikey let out a huge sigh as Raphael left earshot.

"You need to control your man," Mikey said teasingly. Leo flushed red and spun around to face his youngest brother.

"He's not my 'man,' and how exactly do you expect me to control him when you constantly provoke him?" Leo asked exasperatedly.

Mikey wiggled his brow.  "Not your man?  Suuuure," Mikey and Donnie giggled and Leo just rolled his eyes.  He wasn't sure how those two had found out about him and Raphael but if Raph found out that they knew, Leo'd be one dead turtle.

Leonardo walked into the kitchen after his brother and made sure Mikey and Donnie weren't following behind him. "Raph," Leo started.  "You gotta chill sometimes, yknow?  I understand that Mikey gets on your last nerve but is sharing cheetos really something to shout over?" Leo asked as he sat down from across the table.

Raphael huffed and crunched down on a cheeto before answering. "He could've asked. I mean I would've said no, but he still should've asked."  Leo giggled at Raph's response and Raph looked up. Leo just smiled and stared into his boyfriend's beautiful green eyes until Raph popped another cheeto into his mouth.

"You're so cute," Leo whispered. Raph stepped on Leo's toe under the table. "Ow!"

"Don't call me that," Raph complained, furrowed his brow.

Leo just rolled his eyes at him. "Raphie-"

"Not that either."

"Okay, fine.  Raphael, I-" Leo stopped himself before he said something incriminating where Mikey might be eavesdropping. "Can we talk upstairs?  I'll go first if you wanna finish your snack and head up afterward."

Raph didn't respond, he just kept eating his cheetos and winked at Leo to let him know he'd be right up.  Leo smiled and got up from the table. As he passed through the living room, he said, "Next time just ask, Mikey."

Mikey audibly groaned. "He never says yes!"

Donnie and Leonardo laughed at his response.  He must have thought it better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission and be told no. Leo made his way up into Raphael's bedroom where Spike was loudly chewing on spinach leaves.  Leo smiled in his direction and Spike just slow blinked. 

It had been Raphael's softness toward Spike that drew Leonardo toward him.  It had been so long since Leo had seen that side of Raph and it reminded him of how much Leo used to admire him when they were tots.  Raph always had a sensitive side, but it was easy to forget about through all his anger issues.

Just as Leo sat his shell on the bed, Raphael stepped through the door, locking it behind him as had become the custom whenever they were going to be alone.

Raphael smiled at Leo and stood between his legs, draping his arms around Leo's shoulders.  "What'd you wanna talk about?" Raph asked in a husky voice.

Leo blushed a pale red color and stared into Raph's green eyes. "Are we ever gonna tell Don and Mikey?"

Raph's muscles tensed as Leo finished his question.  "Do you think we should?" Raph asked nervously.

"I mean, eventually.  I was just wondering where you stood on them finding out." Leo said, being careful not to mention about how Mikey was catching on already.

"How about we cross that bridge when we get to it?" Raph asked, caressing Leo's cheek. Leo gulped.  If only Raph knew how close they were to that bridge.

Leo laid back and Raphael climbed on top of him, causing Leo to giggle. "What now?" he asked playfully.

"What? I can't cuddle my boyfriend?" Raph teased, beginning to kiss Leo's neck and collarbone.

"Feels like more than cuddling," Leo noted, feeling their hips press tightly together. Raphael rolled onto his side and wrapped his legs around Leo. Raph kissed his cheek and draped his arm over Leo's chest. "That's better."  Raph suddenly started humping Leo's leg. "Raph!"

They both started laughing. "I'm just messing with ya," Raph said jokingly.

"Oh, really?" Leo asked, rolling onto his side to face his lover.  He lost himself in Raphael's eyes once more and felt himself leaning in without realizing it at first. Raph closed his eyes and the gap between them in a soft kiss.  Leo wrapped his leg around Raph as they kissed, fireworks going off in his chest as they always did when he kissed his boyfriends lips like this.

Raph's hands roamed Leo's chest and plastron, squeezing in all the right places and being gentle in others. Leo tangled his fingers in the back of Raphael's mask and gripped tightly, holding him close.

Raphael pulled back to place gentle kisses all over Leonardo's face.  Leo smiled and warmly accepted all his kisses. "I really like you," Leo said softly. 

Raph smiled and opened his eyes at Leo's dorky statement.  "I really like you, too, doofus," he replied smartly.  Leo only giggled and kissed the tip of Raph's beak.

The two of them laid quietly together, eyes closed, beaks touching, limbs tangled together until suddenly a knock was heard at the door.

Leo popped up, untangled himself from Raphael who had actually fallen asleep, and went to open to door. 

As he did so, he saw Mikey on the other side.  "Oh, hi Leo!  Why was the door locked?" he asked with a wink.

Leo fought the urge to slap the grin off Mikey's face, but instead replied with, "Because he's sleeping. What did you want?"

"I just came to bring Spike a new UV bulb. Donnie said it needed to be replaced."

"Oh," Leo said, carefully taking the lightbulb from Mikey's hands. "Thanks, bud. We'll get this installed right away."

Mikey smiled and spun around on his heel.

Leo sighed and closed the door again, locking it once more. After installing the new bulb, he realized how suspicious that must have seemed. For him to have answered instead of Raph, and for the door to have been locked.

Without worrying much else about it, he laid back down beside Raphael, who groaned sleepily.

"Are you always this tired?" Leo asked.

"Mmf," Raph responded.

"I'll take that as a yes," Leo laughed softly.

He snuggled up close to Raphael and wormed his way into Raph's embrace. Happily, the two turtles snoozed together.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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