9. Sore Loser (Fluff)

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{{ i wrote this as if the boys were still like 13-14 }}

Raphael stormed up to his room.  He was furious.  Mikey had beat him 3 - 0 on their new video game which means he lost the bet and has to do dishes for a week. 

He slammed his door shut behind him and flopped down on his bed.  He groaned and rolled onto his shell.  He heard a knock at the door and then heard it creak open.


"Is that you, Leo?" Raph groaned.

"Yeah, it's me.  Mind if I come in?"

"Go for it."  Raphael made room for Leo on the bed and let Leo lay beside him. 

"Did I miss something?  You seemed really angry."

Raphael sighed.  "Mikey and I made a bet that whoever lost the rounds at our new video game had to do dishes for a week and the damn twerp beat me 3 to nothin'," Raphael explained.  "I hate dishes," he added under his breath.

"Oh, that's no fun," Leo said, rolling onto his side and facing his brother.  "I could always help you with them.  I don't mind doing them much."

"No, no.  I have to do it.  Gamer's honor."  Leonardo giggled.  "Whatcha laughin' at?"

"Gamer's honor?  What in the world?"

"I'm just saying it would look bad if I didn't actually hold up my side of the bargain, that's all."

Leo giggled again.  "If you insist."

Later that night, after dinner, Mikey made sure to rub it in that Raphael was going to do all the dishes.  Raph fumed but knew he couldn't do anything about it.  He lost fair and square. 

The rest of the boys went up to their rooms and Raph stayed behind to empty the sink.  While he was scrubbing the plates, he felt arms wrap around him from behind.  He stood stiff, not knowing how it was. 

"Just me."  It was Leo.  "I came to make sure you didn't have any trouble getting them done."

"It'd sure be a lot less trouble without you tryna hug on me while I'm working," Raph said through a blush. 

"Whatever you say, hot shot.  Are you sure you don't want me to help?  I wouldn't tell anyone."

"I can do it!" Raph snapped.  He took a deep breath.  "Sorry.  Didn't mean to shout."

Leo let his arms fall to his side.  He grabbed a dish towel and began drying the dishes despite Raphael's wishes.  The two worked in silence until the dishes were all clean, dry, and put up. 

"Can I come up to your room?" Leo asked as the two turtles left the kitchen.

"Uh, sure, what for?"

"I just wanna chat, that's all," Leo said.  Raph didn't notice but the taller turtle blushed as he said this.  The two of them made their way upstairs and into Raphael's room.

"So what did you wanna talk about?"

Leo stood in front of Raph.  "I have something I need to get off my chest."

Raphael gulped.  "Okay..."

"I've been having...feelings."

Raphael blinked.  "Okay.  What about?"

Leo sighed.  "Feelings about you.  I really like you...."

The two of them stood in silence for a moment before Raphael laughed.  "You're joking, right?  There's no way you're serious right now."

Leo frowned and stomped his foot.  "I mean it!"

Raph's smile dropped right off his face.  "Oh, I'm sorry."

Another silent moment.  "So?" Leo inquires. 


Leo rolled his eyes.  "So what about it?  Arent you gonna tell me I'm delusional for having feelings for you?  Or run and tell sensei?  Or laugh in my face again?"

Raph shook his head.  "No...um, Leo, I don't know how to say this but...um, I don't mind that you feel that way."

Leo perked up and looked into Raph's emerald green eyes.  "Really??"

"Yeah, really.  I don't really mind it.  I don't know what that means but..."

"Um," Leo pondered.  "Can I...can I try something?"  Raph shrugged.  "Okay close your eyes."  Raph closed his eyes and Leo quickly kissed his cheek.  Raph smiled.

"Is that it?" he asked as he opened his eyes. 

"What do you mean?" Leo asked, confused. 

"You're such a nerd, if you're gonna kiss me do it for real."  And with that, Raphael grabbed Leo by the shoulders and kissed him on the lips for a long while.  When he pulled away, Leo was blushing bright, bright red.  "Like that."

Leo blinked, still not quite able to process what Raph had just done. 

"Earth to Leo?"

Leo blinked again and looked at Raph.  "You- you like me too?"

Raph shrugged.  "I don't know.  Let's just see where this goes?"

Leo smiled.  "That's good enough for me."

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